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Posts published by “UO Matters”

Interim Provost caves on illegal Honor’s College Dean search

After initially arguing that the search policy that the Senate developed and Pres Schill adopted as UO Policy was “just advisory”, Woodruff-Borden has, after the expenditure of much effort and time by the Senate leadership, United Academics (who filed a grievance) and many others, finally been brought to her senses…

How the UO Senate helped a new President get rid of a bad interim provost

Thought I’d repost this bit of history, no particular reason: 2/20/2013: Congratulations to Nathan Tublitz and the Senate: SPQUO. Stupid and futile gesture works! Dear colleagues, I am writing to let you know that James Bean has requested a return to his faculty position at the Lundquist College of Business at the end…

Pres Schill cuts deal with ASUO on ending $1.7M student fee payment to Ducks, students meeting at 4 today

2/2/2021: No details on the deal til 4PM today. Maybe some wealthy UO donor finally decided to start paying for the students, like he pays for the coaches raises? While UO’s students pay the Ducks $1.7M a year for “free” tickets, at Maryland the athletic department pays the students to…

UO Senate to meet on Expedited Tenure, Test Optional Admits, Admin Hiring

Today, Wednesday 2/12/2020, Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) Sorry, no live-blogging this time. Expect a lively discussion over the proposal to expand the Expedited Tenure Policy to Assoc Prof hires, (vote) and the Guidelines for Academic Administrator Hiring – which would write down some minimal practices for…

Duck AD Rob Mullens looking to leave too

5/2/2019 update:

The Oregonian’s James Crepea has the scoop here:

Oregon athletic director Rob Mullens is a candidate for the recently vacated position at Texas A&M, according to a source with knowledge of the search. …

Which is sort of odd, because when he got his last raise he said he wanted to stay in Eugene and raise his family here.

7/7/2017: Rob Mullens’ secret $10M 8-year porkalicious contract & perverse incentives

Daily Emerald on new policy on faculty/employee relationships w/ students

Hannah Kanik, here: Sonja Boos, co-chair of the committee on sexual and gender based violence, said the policy aims to protect students from authority figures abusing power. …  Going forward, the committee will begin a push to inform students of the policy so they are aware of their rights, Boos said. “The…