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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Former IAC chair Brian McWhorter (Music) composes Track & Field march

Former RG reporter Greg Bolt has the story in “Around the 0”, here. Pretty cool. I’m having a hard time maintaining my usual cynicism on this one, which certainly raises the bar for Gottfredson’s hand-picked IAC-lite replacement committee. Check out Professor McWhorter’s youtube videos here. Mostly safe for work, except the…

Kansas community college refuses to hire UO’s disgraced coach Dana Altman

7/20/2014 update: Kansas community college refuses to hire UO’s disgraced coach Dana Altman Tyson Alger has the story in the Oregonian, here. Oh wait, this is about the *player* Dana Altman brought to campus. Oh well, at least the players get to keep their NCAA tournament bonuses. Wait, those only…

UO Professor Freyd’s Op-Ed on sexual violence and institutional betrayal

7/14/2014, In Al Jazeera America: … It is not trivial to measure sexual victimization or perpetration, because these are stigmatized behaviors. People don’t readily admit to abusing others or being abused themselves. Researchers have worked for decades to discover how to ask behavior-oriented questions that avoid charged language and pick up…

UO Public Records Officer makes #13 on most influential in Oregon sports

Above Dana Altman, at #18. I’m not sure how Rob Illig missed out, but this is a well deserved honor from the Oregonian, here: That said, Ms Thornton is just following orders from her boss, President Mike Gottfredson, who is the one who needs to hide things!