On faculty pay relative to the cost of living, that is. From the AAUP, here. Average salaries for full profs are $24K higher, 6K higher for associates and assistants: And the cost of living is 20% lower. Housing is 50% lower. Comparison is for a $100K salary in Eugene, from…
Section I
1.1 WHEREAS the purpose of the University Senate is to further the academic mission of the University of Oregon; and
1.2 WHEREAS the University Senate is a partner in shared governance and will be a central to supporting Oregon Rising; and
1.3 WHEREAS when faculty are supported and valued, they are better equipped to contribute effectively to the academic mission that is the core focus of the University Senate’s work; and
1.4 WHEREAS a timely resolution to negotiations will allow the University Senate to focus on advancing the University’s academic goals;
Section II
2.1 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the University Senate affirms its commitment to respecting and recognizing for the essential contributions of faculty in advancing the academic mission of the university; and
2.2 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the University Senate believes fair and competitive remuneration is integral to sustaining faculty who uphold the university’s standards of excellence in research, teaching, and service; and
2.3 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the University Senate advocates for prompt negotiations and fair resolutions between the university administration and United Academics to avert any potential academic disruption resulting from a strike.