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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

OSU Trustees will meet Tu, offer Pres F. King Alexander’s job to Wayne Tinkle

I assume that’s what this Oregonian news report says, I didn’t read it all: 8:30 AM Tu, And their Exec committee has a followup meeting 8AM Wed:

OSU President F. King Alexander’s family business is running the “Oxford International Round Table Symposiums [sic]” scam

Every professor I know gets spam like this about fake academic conferences with prestigious sounding names, held in popular holiday locations. They accept all papers, have a similarly unreviewed “journal”, and I assume some people try to get reimbursement for them, or try to use them to pad their c.v.…

OSU’s jock-sniffing Pres F. King Alexander gets called before trustees to explain cover-up of the usual athletic assaults at LSU

Public meeting notice for 12:30 Wed here. The OSU Trustees hired Alexander last year, after a closed search by Witt/Kieffer search consultants. At LSU Alexander’s accomplishments included a $85M “lazy river” and firing a professor for cussing. But these weren’t his only problems. Former Daily Emerald reporter Kenny Jacoby, now working…

Pres Schill to teach Honors course on what’s wrong with higher education

Thanks to an anonymous reader for forwarding the course description, full text below. President Schill’s own porkalicious contract, which will presumably be #3 on the reading list when it comes to reasons for the increasing cost of college – after faculty pay and guvmint interference – is here: and, just…

Students pissed that UO will host in-person Olympic Trials, but not commencement

Reporter Joanna Mann, in the Daily Emerald here: … UO social media accounts faced backlash from students, particularly graduating seniors, after the school announced the decision Feb. 9. Students called for the university to cancel the in-person Olympic trials if it was going to cancel in person commencement. Graduating senior Ethan Shafer…

UO Senate votes 42-2 to oppose Pres Schill’s new $2M student fee for Duck tickets

Senate Pres Elliot Berkman had tried to keep the Senate from voting on this, but the students were persistent and persuasive, and in the end the only nay votes were from an LCB accounting instructor and a Math prof. The gist: 2.1 THEREFORE BE IT MOVED THAT the University Senate…

UO’s PR flacks stack the TFAB breakout rooms with ringers from athletics, cheerleading

My room had 4 administrators, me, and a football player who gave his lines with camera off then said nothing for 40 minutes. Pres Schill’s next step of course will be an Around the O report claiming this Town Hall shows student support for his new $90 tick lottery scheme,…

UO appoints Alicia M. Salaz from CMU as new VP / University Librarian

Full mail announcement here: Dear Colleagues, I am excited to announce that Dr. Alicia M. Salaz will become the UO’s new Vice Provost and University Librarian, overseeing the five locations at our Eugene campus and the branches at UO Portland and the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology. Currently, Alicia is…

“No one should be charged. That would be nuts.” Prof Simmons

2/15/2021 repost of the 2013 Snowpocalypse – a Duck PR scheme gone bad: Members of the Campus Community: On Friday, a short video was posted to YouTube depicting an incident in which several individuals inappropriately interfered with two vehicles attempting to drive through a snowball fight on our campus. The…

Will Pres Schill, Chuck Lillis, and BoT use 4.5% tuition and fee increases for academics or athletics?

Full report here. UO’s student government has already voted to repurpose the current fee for student housing assistance etc. They’ve also refused to accept President Schill’s proposal to retroactively charge the students $1M for games that never happened. UO’s Tuition Fee and Advisory Board – normally a rubber-stamp group for…

Phil & Penny Knight are 4th largest 2020 donors in US – list reveals $465M in new gifts to UO

From the Chronicle of Philanthropy, here. More in the Portland Business Journal here. No details on how UO plans to spend the money, other than part will go to Knight Campus. Presumably some is to fund Provost Phillips’ new Sports and Wellness initiative.