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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

SAIL brings 450 low-SES HS students to campus to learn about college

Update: The students from Laura Bovilsky and Brian McWhorter’s Performing Arts camp will be putting on their show today at 2PM in the Daugherty Dance Theater (in the Gerlinger Annex). No tickets required. KLCC has a report on this year’s program, highlighting the World Cultures camp. SAIL is focused on high…

Government Accountability Office visits UO on tour of Confucius Institutes

The GAO is basically Congress’s audit division. Congress asked them to look into the Chinese government supported Confucius Institutes. About 100 US colleges, including UO, have these. The GAO asked to meet with CI administrators and a selection of faculty. They also scheduled a 30 minute meeting with me, as…

UO frat closed after frat boys caught acting like frat boys

Ryan Nguyen and Michael Tobin have the story in the Emerald. While other university’s have been sued for closing frats and expelling students for exercising their first amendment rights to act like fucking morons, UO’s student conduct office cleverly nailed them on a hazing violation instead. Great idea. Read the story for…

Temperature and High-Stakes Cognitive Performance

Temperature and High-Stakes Cognitive Performance: Evidence from the National College Entrance Examination in China Joshua S. Graff Zivin, Yingquan Song, Qu Tang, Peng Zhang NBER Working Paper No. 24821. Issued in July 2018 NBER Program(s):Children, Development Economics, Environment and Energy Economics, Health Economics, Public Economics We provide the first nation-wide…

What’s under the foreskin of the Tower O’ Excellence’s “heroic wood”?

While our General Counsel’s Public Records Office is still stonewalling requests for the Hayward Field lease agreement between UO and Phit LLC, today Duck spokesperson Tobin Klinger told the RG that UO is no longer in control: … The privately funded rebuild of the stadium is being led by Nike…

Access to free speech guidelines is Forbidden

Fortunately we’ve got the Internet Archive: Free Speech Guidelines Rights, rules, responsibilities, and resources At the University of Oregon, established guidelines protect the right to free speech, while ensuring that opposing views may also be expressed. The basic guideline says that whenever one person’s or one group’s activities prevent another’s sanctioned…