That would be former UO President Dave Frohnmayer, circa 2007:
UO Matters
In the Chronicle. From surveys and interviews of faculty on job satisfaction and other things, conducted by the “Collaborative for Academic Careers in Higher Education at Harvard University.” Some professors don’t put much stock in faculty governance. The ability to effect change on a campus appeared to positively influence job satisfaction, the…
The Head of School spoke, the Dean of the CoD did not. That’s most of what I know, except for the fact that their new website makes it pretty damn hard to find a list of the faculty. Their web-designer should try
Short version: The UO administration has been telling people that the Ross Fund modification was a routine part of the UO and UO Foundation’s normal processes. I don’t think that’s true. It was exceptional on many dimensions, as I document below. First, at ~$2.5M, it was by far the largest…
Dear Colleagues, The Faculty Club will be meeting this week, during the usual hours (Wednesdays and Thursdays 5:00-8:00 pm). On Wednesday we continue with our Senate-sponsored “Talk to Your Dean Night” series, with Dean Randy Kamphaus of the College of Education making himself available to chat about whatever’s on your…
I’m no engineer, but it was the UVa Engineering School’s annual open house that made me want to be one. UO’s version is this Saturday: Kids from across Lane County will fill Willamette Hall with homemade rockets, lasers and futuristic machines on Saturday, March 10, for the 2018 Science and…
Michael Tobin has the report in the Emerald here: Six months after the launch of the College of Design, some faculty members are complaining about a new level of bureaucracy and the fate of some of the old programs. Also, some faculty members are unhappy over a controversial court decision…
Justin Crover has a long polemic in the Chronicle. This is just a brief part of his argument: The humanities have both left and right defenders and left and right critics. The left defenders of the humanities are notoriously bad at coming up with a coherent, effective defense, but they…
From Franklin Lewis in the Emerald: … Campus Planning says UO needs more athletic fields to accommodate growth and attract students. Opponents say building turf fields on the riverfront is ecologically inappropriate and other viable options exist for the area. …
Hannah Karik has the report from last week in the Emerald here. A few students – presumably not from the Honors College – responded with brief chants of “fuck the Oregon Legislature” as they walked out. Or that’s what I think I heard. Meanwhile the Law School is still offering…
From their union website at Presumably this means they believe they can win a card-check election, and will start soon. Long-time readers may remember that I started out opposed to the UO faculty union, but signed the card once I realized they were going to win, and I’m now the union…
Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | March 2, 2018 Ford Alumni Center Giustina Ballroom FRIDAY, MARCH 2 – 8:30 a.m. Materials 1. Standing Reports -University Senate President Chris Sinclair – Public comment -ASUO President Amy Schenk -Provost Jayanth Banavar -President Michael Schill 2. FY19 Tuition and Fees: Mike Schill, President;…
CAS Deans Bruce Blonigen and Phil Scher will be at the faculty club tonight, to chat and mingle. Just kidding about the drinks though, it’s a cash bar. Worth a try though. 5PM, go in through the front door at the Art Museum and turn right.
I’ll try to live-blog some of this, and I’ll be there for the public comments Friday, but there are limits on how much of this stuff I can take. Their website makes it as hard as possible to figure out what is going on, so here are the agendas for…
The Senate wasn’t shown a copy of this for the discussion today, but here’s the draft that has been circulating on the listservs for the Town Hall meetings that have been going on, and which are scheduled for Th and Fri. This draft will be used to focus conversations about…