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UO Matters

UO Foundation took $535K from the Marion Ross Fund for expenses, then sent his Trustee a nastygram and ignored him

In 1991 UO professor Marion Dean Ross died and gave the bulk of his life savings, $1.2M, to the UO Foundation to manage for the purpose of buying books and photos on the history of architecture, as chosen by the Faculty of the Department of Art History (Now the History…

UK research councils & Nature unimpressed by VP Brad Shelton’s shiny new metrics plan

2/7/2018: From The Times: All seven of the UK’s research councils have signed up to a declaration that calls for the academic community to stop using journal impact factors as a proxy for the quality of scholarship. The councils, which together fund about £3 billion of research each year, are among…

The Tyranny of Metrics

InsideHigherEd’s interview with Jerry Muller about his new book. Published by the high impact-factor Princeton University Press. One excerpt: Q: Some colleges, government agencies and businesses promote tools to evaluate faculty productivity — number of papers written, number of citations, etc. What do you make of this use of metrics?…

SOJC gets $3K grant for Kenny Jacoby’s Dana Altman exposé

2017-18 HEARST ENTERPRISE REPORTING WINNERS NAMED San Francisco – The top 10 winners in enterprise reporting were announced today in the 58th annual William Randolph Hearst Foundation’s Journalism Awards Program, in which 105 undergraduate journalism programs at universities across the nation are eligible to participate. 122 entries were received in…