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UO Matters

College as a country club

College as Country Club: Do Colleges Cater to Students’ Preferences for Consumption? Brian Jacob, University of Michigan and National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Brian McCall, University of Michigan, Kevin Stange, University of Michigan and NBER This paper investigates whether demand-side market pressure explains colleges’ decisions to provide consumption amenities to their students.…

Union responds to Provost’s letter to Architecture faculty

I don’t know who wrote the Provost’s letter below, but it doesn’t strike me as Banavar’s style. In any case the faculty union has now sent the architecture faculty a thoughtful response: Dear Department of Architecture and Interior Architecture Faculty,On Friday, Provost Banavar sent the faculty of the Department of…

Riverfront astroturf is not for PE classes or club sports. Is it part of the UO Foundation’s secret Tracktown 2021 plans?

UO wants the Eugene planning commission to give it the right to put 4 astro-turf playing fields with lights just south of the Willamette river. They claim this is for intramural Rugby and PE and Rec classes. I don’t buy it. I don’t have the Rugby participation data, but it’s…

The UO Senate is not a sham operation like other Senates

In the Chronicle. From surveys and interviews of faculty on job satisfaction and other things, conducted by the “Collaborative for Academic Careers in Higher Education at Harvard University.” Some professors don’t put much stock in faculty governance. The ability to effect change on a campus appeared to positively influence job satisfaction, the…

Faculty Club to host CoE Dean Randy Kamphaus, this Wed 5PM

Dear Colleagues, The Faculty Club will be meeting this week, during the usual hours (Wednesdays and Thursdays 5:00-8:00 pm). On Wednesday we continue with our Senate-sponsored “Talk to Your Dean Night” series, with Dean Randy Kamphaus of the College of Education making himself available to chat about whatever’s on your…