Update from Banavar: Colleagues, There is no question that we all share a common goal—supporting our students and ensuring that they have the resources to be successful during their time at the University of Oregon and beyond. This week Dennis Galvan, interim vice provost and dean for undergraduate studies, announced…
UO Matters
Dear colleagues and friends, As I write this Open Mike, I feel the earth move under my feet. Before you get concerned that I am singing Carole King songs (she is one of my favorites) or having a nightmare about the Cascadia Subduction Zone, you should understand that just outside…
is that Prof. Harper is on it. The Faculty Club will reopen Wednesday Jan 24 (Corrected from Jan 17). Wednesdays 5-7, Thursdays 5-7, Friday 4-6.
In “Around the O“: “I strongly condemn all forms of hate speech and racism,” said Michael H. Schill, UO president and professor of law. “I am troubled by the recent reports of an uptick in both subtle and overt acts of racism on campus and in the surrounding community. I…
Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce that we have selected Sabrina Madison-Cannon as the next dean of the School of Music and Dance. Sabrina will be an outstanding addition to the university and you can read full details in the Around the O story [here]. Please join me in…
1/1/2018: Andrew Greif has the news here. Oderinde put 3 UO students in the hospital and kept his job for a year anyway. I’m not sure if Duck FAR Tim Gleason ever gave up the public records on his “investigation” of Oderinde. Say, I wonder if Dr. Skaggs ever got…
I don’t make up the facts, I just interpret them according to economic theory: Maybe Altman should go back to cruising the frats for more ticket buyers.
Bob Keefer has the latest on the deBachle in the Eugene Weekly, from another drip of UO public records. Apparently OBF Exec Director Janelle McCoy was keeping a dossier on Halls’ various infractions, “small and smaller”, including photos of the depraved acts that took place at the house the festival…
12/20/2017 update:
In response to my note the UO Development Office has now added SAIL to the list of “other” funds. Just go to the secure UO giving page at https://securelb.imodules.com/s/1540/foundation/2col.aspx?sid=1540&gid=1&pgid=408&cid=1095, click the “I want to view additional options” box, and you’ll get this pop-up:
Click Summer Academy to Inspire Learning, then you’ll be asked how much, contact, info, ccard info. Thank you!
12/19/2017 update:
With only 12 days left before President Grinch’s tax “reform” increases the after-tax cost of giving – drastically for most of us – now is the time to give on the cheap. Even the Duck coaches, or at least one person working for athletics, have now got into the act with a pledge to the State Employee’s Charitable Fund Drive:
If you give this way and don’t have a lot of deductions (i.e. a big mortgage) you should consider switching from a monthly payroll donation to making a one-time gift before Jan 1. The phone number is on their website here. You can pick which of a list social welfare and other charities you want to send the money too. Very easy.
That’s for UO employees giving to state and local causes. As Honest Uncle Bernie reports, giving to UO is a bit harder. I like the Duckfunder website: https://duckfunder.uoregon.edu/ It has a few active campaigns at the moment, but it’s not very good crowdfunding because it doesn’t connect donors with related causes or vice versa. Meanwhile the main UO giving site, https://giving.uoregon.edu is not even secure:
Which sort of puts you off leaving a ccard number. However, if your browser lets you get past this, you’ll eventually find the UO Foundation’s secure giving webpage at https://securelb.imodules.com/s/1540/foundation/2col.aspx?sid=1540&gid=1&pgid=408&cid=1095:
If you click on “other” you get a poorly formatted list of other funds. If you want to give to, say, SAIL, sorry, it’s not on the list. So go back and type it in yourself. The UO Foundation will mail you a nice letter on O letterhead suitable for showing to the IRS, or what’s left of it now that Trump is in charge, confirming your money will indeed go to SAIL.
12/3/2017: UO librarians crush Duck coaches $6K to $0 in Charitable Fund Drive giving
We’ve been getting a lot of these call this week. Usually I just hang up, but this time I thought I’d see if I could get them to stop calling: Me: “You’re calling from Google?” Him: “Yes. Our logs show that your computer has been hacked from a foreign country.”…
What a load of crap. The NCAA is making UO waste time and money on this trivia while their leaders and coaches pocket hundred of millions of dollars from the sweat and concussions of their unpaid student-athletes. The NCAA won’t even penalize UNC for years of sham courses for athletes,…
Just kidding. Coach Altman’s efforts to shut-up his players are constrained by the First Amendment and the long and honorable tradition of American athletes using the Star-Spangled Banner and its words about “Land of the Free and the home of the Brave” as the right time, place and manner for…
UO Board of Trustees Chair Chuck Lillis is a former marketing professor and dean, and the only regular UO trustee with a PhD. (Academic publications and citations here, ERISA lawsuit settlements here.) He started off a Board meeting a few years back with a brief rant about deadwood tenured faculty. Newly…
I’m not much for heartwarming sports stories, but this one is pretty good. Surely the Ducks can find a job for Mr. Lee somewhere.
Our Johnson Hall overlords have been requiring this un-scientific training for all faculty who want to serve on search committees. I did it – not that there was a choice – and I got the follow-up survey today from our Vice Provost of Equity & Inclusion. See email below. If…