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UO Matters

Mostly good news from the Pravda of the University of Oregon

The full list of officially approved UO workplace news is on Around the O here. 1) Scott Pratt, Extraordinary Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, gets some much needed help: Scott Pratt, executive vice provost for academic affairs, announced that Ellen Herman, professor of history and faculty co-director of University of Oregon’s…

UO lawyers’ defense against native-american prof’s lawsuit? It’s not discrimination – our Affirmative Action office treats *all* faculty with contempt

10/1/2017:  Among the years of reports, last summer Daily Emerald reporter Max Thornberry had this about this famously mismanaged office, here. A snippet: Concerns about the timeliness and effectiveness of the AAEO office [aren’t] new. A 2014 report from the ombuds office found that, “classified staff report high levels of distrust…in the fairness, competence…

Federal Judge grants John Doe protective order against UO


Page down for more details.

9/6/2017: UO lawyers want to out anonymous plaintiff in sexual misconduct case

I’m posting this for the record, I don’t pretend to understand it all. Like many universities, UO’s GCO pulls out FERPA when they want to avoid disclosing unpleasant info, for example when athletes are accused of assaults. But in this case UO’s hired attorneys are in favor of transparency and naming names.

Google Trends metrics show UO Matters is more excellent than Around the O

I’ve always said that the UO administration could end this muckraking website any time they wanted to, simply by being honest and transparent. A quick glance at the public records log will convince you that our Johnson Hall leadership is not there yet. However, if current trends continue, UO M will…

Lucia, deLuxe, Benson, Heathman – PDX hotels I won’t be staying at again

Thanks to The Oregonian for the lodging advice: It’s unclear where Sondland would serve his diplomatic post, if nominated by Trump and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Fifty of the 188 U.S. ambassadorships are vacant, according to the American Foreign Service Association. There are some plum openings, however, including vacant…

Winner! Free U of Nike coffee cup for guessing the cost of UOPD’s Go Ducks paint-job

Update: Chief Carmichael reported the cost as $3533.41. So the winner is longtime commenter “Fishwrapper” at $3768.79, runner up is Amy Adams at $3137. Congrats to you both, please contact our swag office with a mailing address, or if you prefer the location of a dead-drop site far from security…

MLK Jr’s life and words demonstrated the importance of free speech far beyond the power of that racist little pissant Jeff Sessions to add or subtract

Call me a cynic, but it’s as if Trump’s AG Jeff Sessions is trying his best to destroy support for free speech among college students. That can’t be his goal, can it? What evidence is there, other than his lifetime of efforts to deny people their voting rights? The NYT…

Pres Schill welcomes back campus community with a hearty “GO DUCKS!”

Dear University of Oregon campus community, As I drove onto campus this week, I got a familiar feeling of excitement. New students were settling into their residence halls and beginning to navigate the campus. Returning students were greeting each other and catching up on what they did during the summer.…

New evidence on cost-effectiveness of Pell grants

ProPelled: The Effects of Grants on Graduation, Earnings, and Welfare Jeffrey T. Denning, Benjamin M. Marx, Lesley J. Turner NBER Working Paper No. 23860 Issued in September 2017 NBER Program(s):   ED   LS   PE We estimate the effect of grant aid on poor college students’ attainment and earnings using student-level administrative data from four-year public colleges…

Why is the FBI helping the NCAA cheat athletes out of their earnings?

The NYT reports the FBI will hold a press conference today: A second indictment charges five people with paying high school athletes or their families to attend particular universities. Those indicted include James Gatto, identified as the head of global sports marketing, basketball for “Company-1.” Though it is not named,…