Update: More Bach news in the EW from Bob Keefer, who has uncovered a 2016 firing of a Matthew Halls ally by Director Janelle McCoy, here: … In an Aug. 11, 2016, email to Doug Blandy, then the UO’s senior vice provost for academic affairs, McCoy wrote: “I believe I mentioned…
UO Matters
Sorry, this is from the weekend, just catching up. ASUO President Amy Schenk’s Op-Ed was posted Saturday, along with a report from Saul Hubbard, “Backlash grows as UO pursues conduct charges for students who disrupted a Schill speech“. From Schenk: On Oct. 23, University of Oregon President Michael Schill wrote…
11/21/2017: That’s the decision of the “Associate Director for Investigations, Group Accountability, Student Conduct and Community Standards”. But the administration continues to press charges against other students. The Senate will debate a plea for leniency at its Nov 29th meeting. Reporter Casey Crowley has the story in the Emerald: … At…
It’s always hard to keep track of what Coach Altman claimed he didn’t know and when claimed he didn’t know it. Reporter Michael Tobin has a helpful timeline in the Emerald here.
Reporter Hannah Kanik has the report in the Emerald here.
Earlier this year the Oregon legislature agreed to increase spending on higher education, so long as universities agree to cut tuition increases. This latest working paper shows that it might have been better for our students – in terms of completion and time to degree – if UO had been…
The RG has the story here: Guldberg, 50, is the executive director of Georgia Tech’s institute of bioengineering and bioscience. His scientific research has focused on musculoskeletal growth and development, muscle regeneration following traumatic injuries, and degenerative diseases. Google Scholar:
Duck Football Coach Willie Taggart UO Math Prof & Senate Pres Chris Sinclair Things have not gone well for Coach Taggart since arriving at UO. He’s 5-5, and one of those wins was a body-bag game against Southern Utah that cost UO $500,000. He needs to win one of the…
11/14/2017: Saul Hubbard has the latest in the RG here: … The document does, however, show a split between the university’s Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity and McCoy over how to reprimand Halls, an independent contractor who had just been given a multi-year extension and a raise. After…
From Round the O: The event, “How Students Used History to Change the Future: The Dunn, Unthank Case Study,” will take place at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15, in the Erb Memorial Union’s Redwood Auditorium.
Update: page down for Student collective motion etc. Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. Video feed. 3:00 P.M. Call to Order Introductory Remarks; Senate President Chris Sinclair “Standard Operating Procedures” are not policies and cannot be used to restrict free speech and don’t let the…
7/24/2017 update: This university needs an effective office of Internal Audit to examine these sorts of bids. It took 5 weeks just to get an estimate from the VP for Equity and Diversity for the public records, and now the PRO refuses to waive their $114.62 fee: 07/21/2017 Dear Mr.…
The UO Board of Trustees took authority over student conduct away from the faculty with their 2014 “Delegation of Authority” legislation. The UO Senate’s position on this power grab is that “they can’t discipline our students, only we can discipline our students.” Therefore I am releasing this video of the…
From the Washington Post: Virginia’s most socially conservative state lawmaker was ousted from office Tuesday by Danica Roem, a Democrat who will be one of the nation’s first openly transgender elected officials and who embodies much of what Del. Robert G. Marshall fought against in Richmond. The race focused on traffic and other…