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UO Matters

UO Administration loses their “strategic thought partner”, will replace her with ChatGPT

Dear colleagues, I am writing to let you know that Richie Hunter, vice president for university communications, will be leaving the University of Oregon to take the role of vice president for communications at the University of Michigan. While Richie finalized this decision over the last few weeks, she deferred…

UO Board appoints competent outsider as new President – John Karl Scholz from UW-Madison

That would be John Karl Scholz, most recently Provost at UW-Madison. [Full disclosure: Scholz was one of my professors when I got my PhD there in 1995, where he was also Director of the Institute for Poverty Research. I liked him a lot, despite the fact I barely passed the…

Despite SVB, former UO Board Chair Chuck Lillis still holds record for largest US bank failure

I’m no macroeconomist, but all signs are that the FDIC will quickly arrange a sale of Silicon Valley Bank and contain the contagion, in no small part due to the lessons learned from the 2008 collapse of Washington Mutual, which was one of the precursors to the Great Recession. UO…

CAS Dean Chris Poulsen asks you not to forward his commencement email to your students

Dear CAS Leadership,  The CAS Commencement Advisory Group, UO Student Life and CAS Leadership have come together to determine how best to develop our commencement programs in the absence of individual department ceremonies. We have now confirmed many of the details of our June commencement events and we’d like to…

Provost Woodruff-Borden et al. deliver ultimatum to exploitative Elsevier

Dear University of Oregon community, I write with an important update on the status of our institutional negotiations with Elsevier, a major provider of scholarly content through UO Libraries. This follows earlier campus updates about collecting input and entering contract negotiations, and many months of engagement from our researchers across campus through town…

President Phillips to deliver State of UO address from a secure off-campus location

Why? Well, the First Amendment applies to government agencies, while the Eugene City Club is a private non-profit that can exclude those pesky student protestors that have occasionally embarrassed President Schill and our sensitive, elderly Trustees. Clever. Of course UO has to make a donation to the City Club for…

Pres Phillips expects that yet more committee busy-work will improve campus culture?

The good news is that these working groups have almost no faculty participation, so the soul-destroying time-suck will mostly be borne by OA’s who at least will be paid for wasting their time. Meanwhile, GC Kevin Reed’s Public Records Office still has not provided the contract with Gallup or the…

Pres Phillips plans to hold graduation at football stadium, ban “rogue” department ceremonies

That’s the word from multiple sources at the department head Zoom meeting. Apparently the plan is to blame this on UESS and staff, but we all know the real reason is that our administrative overlords can’t stand the fact that our students want to take their parents to department ceremonies…

University of Austin takes JH’s shared services model to logical next level

From the Dartmouth Review: In place of large, on-campus administrative bureaucracies, UATX plans to make administration remote, outsourcing positions abroad. Not only will this arrangement save university funds, Howland noted, but it would also pay foreign workers livable, US-level wages.  and in a move Phil Knight’s BoT still only dreams…