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UO Matters

Gottfredson gives powerful statement supporting transparency and faculty role in finance and athletics

8/22/2013: This is great news. I know some skeptics will say these are just words, but they are powerful ones, made with force and commitment. For me, this goes a long way towards erasing many of the concerns that the faculty and the press have been raising about President Gottfredson’s…

75% of this year’s donations to UO went to athletics. Endowment earnings are below benchmarks

8/19/2013 update: “Around the O” reports UO raised $200M this FY in donations. It’s difficult to tell from the press release, and as explained below UO Foundation CEO Paul Weinhold has refused to release breakdowns, but it appears that about 57% of the donations to the Foundation went to the jocks.…

Frohnmayer, Gary and Rudnick win $440K for their client, and $560K for their firm.

8/20/2013: Part two of Duin’s series here: “I didn’t understand,” Riddell admits, “how Mark Long could afford to have Bill Gary and Dave Frohnmayer come speak to the AG about an ongoing investigation.  “Kroger wouldn’t meet with them. He and Frohnmayer hated each other. John thought it best they meet…

Kitzhaber tells Knight, Frohnmayer to bug off from University of Nike board

8/16/2013 update: The good governor’s nominations are due Monday. Jonathan Cooper has the story for the AP, in the RG. The official version is that they decided to withdraw their names from Gottfredson’s bizarre 50 person list of nominees. We are supposed to believe that President Gottfredson neglected to get their permission…