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UO Matters

OUS cuts special deal for Frohnmayer and Rudnick

3/29/2013: OUS’s Oregon Administrative Rule 580 exempts a few things from the normal transparent competitive bidding process for state procurement: (k) Goods or services related to intercollegiate athletic programs.(L) Cadavers or cadaveric organs.…(u) Contracts for professional or expert witnesses or consultants to provide services or testimony relating to existing or potential litigation…

God Bless the Janitors

3/28/2013: A column by Wicke Sloane, in Insidehighered, on the SEIU staff union’s research reports on conflicts of interest and administrative bloat at public universities: I commend the 5,000 higher education workers of the Massachusetts Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 615. These men and women, led by Massachusetts SEIU…

Shades of UO’s Charles Martinez

3/28/2013: From Jonathan Hart was appointed professor of English and comparative literature at the University of Alberta in 2004. In 2011, he was also appointed professor of English studies at Durham University, in Britain. Neither was a part-time position, and it appears that neither institution knew about Professor Hart’s…

Why I love Oregon

From the Oregonian, 3/26/2013: “I’m not going to add any fuel to their fire,” she said. “My comments are not printable.” In other news, the Democrats have released their PERS reform plan: — Retirees would receive the current 2 percent increase on the first $20,000 of retirement income. The COLA…

Comments and Disqus

I’m trying a new system for comments, called Disqus, you’ve probably seen it on other blogs. It works now, but the last 2 days of comments are being transferred, and may not show up for a day or so. To comment you should create a free, anonymous Disqus account. It…