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UO Matters


8/23/2012: Ian Campbell of the ODE gets a few quotes from students. The EW posts a shout out. Word from the Fishbowl is that students are planning a series of investigations, complaints and so on. Meanwhile the RG is still digging into the scandal, you know there’s more coming. Why not…

Randy Geller takes charge

I’m guessing the exchange below has something to do with AD Rob Mullens’s efforts to start random drug testing of UO’s “student athletes”, and the efforts by the Senate to make him run that policy and change in UO’s OAR’s through the UO Senate first. Instead of resolving this by meeting…

CIO Don Harris

Harris is one of the few UO VP’s to have ever undergone a performance review, I believe in 2010. It did not go well. Jim Bean kept him on anyway. Then in January, while Bean was on sabbatical, Lorraine Davis took the opportunity to fire Harris and run an open…