Becky Metrick has an interesting interview with law Dean Michael Moffitt in the ODE: … The fourth thing is that we have intentionally decreased the size of the incoming first-year class. We have shrunk the number of students who are joining us, this year by 20 percent. And we made that…
UO Matters
according to the calculations of former NYTimes education editor Ed Fiske. We’re now off his best buy list entirely. The RG has the story: OSU makes best-buy listAfter tuition increases, the University of Oregon fails to make the list of top college values this year … New UO President Michael Gottfredson…
Op-Ed in the RG from UO Student VP Nick McCain, on behalf of the EMU Task Force, 8/26/2012: As a task force we identified the main reasons why the last referenda failed and decided to take it upon ourselves to learn how we could effectively communicate the importance of the…
From an RG Op-ed, by UO students Kevin Sullivan and Elise Downing, 8/25/2012: … Unfortunately, the student affairs administrators at the UO, who are trying to increase the prestige of the university by renovating the EMU, are shooting themselves in the foot by showcasing an affinity for corruption and lack…
100 new scholarships a year for low income Oregon students, this year 39 at UO. 90% earn degrees. Wonderful Betsy Hammond story in the Oregonian. 8/24/2012.
Email: Come join your UO colleagues at a late summer meet-and-mingle. This event is scheduled to give you a chance to meet our new president, Michael Gottfredson. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012Memorial Quad Lawn (between the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art and the Knight Library) 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Picnic atmosphere…
There’s an excellent Insidehighered report here about the use of technology in teaching. I’d be interested in comments from people who’ve tried the flipped classroom idea. 8/24/2012
Of course this is not about Oregon. Here we subsidize the money-losing jocks to the tune of $6 million or so, and then our administration signs off on their 21% raises anyway. 8/24/2012, From the University of Florida, reported by Hays Carlyon in the Florida Times-Union: GAINESVILLE — Florida’s athletic department,…
Presumably this includes the $5 million Robin Jaqua gift, which Rob Mullens swiped for the Jock Box back in January. Story today from Inside Oregon: Overall, giving in fiscal 2012 totaled $51,737,551 in support of academics, mainly for current purposes and endowments. Athletics programs received $55,950,231, which included significant support for expansion of…
I’m posting this as a place for people to comment on what they think are important priorities for UO campus buildings and what features should be prioritized in new classrooms. 8/22/2012. A commenter notes that Academic Affairs has a committee and a website for reporting issues with specific classrooms:
8/23/2012: Ian Campbell of the ODE gets a few quotes from students. The EW posts a shout out. Word from the Fishbowl is that students are planning a series of investigations, complaints and so on. Meanwhile the RG is still digging into the scandal, you know there’s more coming. Why not…
from UO’s public records system. Emphasis in the original: Dear Bill, President Gottfredson received your inquiry, included below, and has asked me to respond on his behalf. As a result of further discussion, we will be modifying our fee practices so that simple, straightforward requests that take less than one…
I’m guessing the exchange below has something to do with AD Rob Mullens’s efforts to start random drug testing of UO’s “student athletes”, and the efforts by the Senate to make him run that policy and change in UO’s OAR’s through the UO Senate first. Instead of resolving this by meeting…
8/21/2012: Word from the historic EMU FishBowl is that RBI Strategies no longer thinks it’s in their best interests to be associated with UO and the efforts of our VP for Student Affairs to use student money to manipulate students into voting for higher student fees. More when Randy Geller gets around…
Just kidding – we all know UO’s top administrators never face the consequences of their decisions – that’s for us little people. The student union is stuck with the bill, and the students who supported this for genuine reasons now look like dupes or worse. But FWIW her $40,000 raise…