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UO Matters

Bean update

Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost Message for August 3, 2012 Colleagues: Last week I mentioned I would provide an update on the Tuesday, July 24 Leadership Retreat afternoon session. That session included participatory discussion of academic priorities for the development campaign and a presentation on technologically enhanced…

Gottfredson contract is

here. For contrast Larivere’s is here. I don’t see a clause preventing Gottfredson from pursuing the New Partnership – but Pernsteiner’s board does reserve the right to fire him on 30 days notice, without cause. Page 6. Wow. But even Lariviere’s first contract had something similar, as does Pernsteiner’s. BTW –…

Public records officer search

is now underway. Job ad here. Randy Geller, Bob Berdahl, and Dave Hubin did not even notify the UO Senate Transparency Committee. This position was created by Richard Lariviere 2 years ago, with direct reporting to the president, to avoid the conflict of interest inherent in having the General Counsel’s office…