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UO Matters

TONIGHT: Town Hall on UO Board with Barnhart, Beyer and Hoyle

January 17th: Lane County Legislators Host Town Hall Meeting! Senator Beyer and Representatives Barnhart, Beyer and Hoyle will meet with community members, students and faculty to discuss the upcoming February Special Session and other issues raised by the audience. (Due to a scheduling conflict Senator Prozanski and Representatives Holvey may…

Help wanted: Boss for Pernsteiner

1/16/2012: Ad posted in the Chronicle today: The Chief Education Officer will serve as the OEIB’s chief executive in the creation, implementation and management of an integrated and aligned public education system from pre-school through post-secondary education. The initial phase of the Chief Education Officer’s tenure will require visionary leadership,…

Legislative higher ed "reform" efforts, and Eugene public meeting this Tuesday at 7PM

1/15/2011: The session starts Feb 1. The Oregon House Higher Education Committee is working on a resolution to establish yet another task force, with LC 288: Establishes Task Force on Higher Education Governance and Coordi-nation. Directs task force to analyze issues of higher education coordinationand governance and report findings and…

card check

1/14/2012: They started collecting these Monday, unsubstantiated rumor is that 1/3 of faculty those in the organizer defined bargaining unit have already signed union cards. Union website here, facebook here. Not a lot of info on either. Apparently they will attempt to certify a bargaining unit that will include TT…

Berdahl speaks

to Sam Stites in the ODE: “An independent governing board is essential to the recruitment of a strong and successful president,” Berdahl said. “I believe the moment is right for change.”

replace Marianne Nicols?

1/12/2012: Marianne Nicols (PhD Berkelely, MBA) runs the CAS finance and administration. CAS is 2/3 of UO, and since UO’s VPFA has been the total nincompoop Frances Dyke, that has meant Nicols was pretty important to the functioning of UO. Essential. Now she’s retiring. You might of thought CAS would…

Huron, part iii

1/11/2012: Here’s the latest dump of Huron contracts and invoices. I don’t have the stomach to read these anymore – but from a quick glance, the hemorrhaging continues. Comments from more courageous readers welcome.