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UO Matters

Staff contract update

7/25/2011: Word from the SEIU union is that the state DAS has agreed on a contract, but the OUS locals are still negotiating with Chancellor Pernsteiner’s bargaining team on the OUS details. Staff making $25,000 a year will now have to pay 5% of their health insurance. The furloughs continue.…

dumpster diving

7/24/2011: This well researched ODE article by Thomas Kyle-Milward brings back a few memories. But these days UO Matters seldom goes bottoms up, except for the occasional bag of bagels, and then only if it’s on the top. Back problems. Of course, I do check the Johnson Hall paper recycling…

Mullens speaks

7/22/1011: Or at least he emailed the UO Foundation board, and other boosters. Ron Bellamy has the story: “The firm has been charged with making an independent assessment of the football program’s use of outside recruiting services,” Mullens wrote. “In addition, they have been asked to provide the University with…

Should athletics return $10 million to $15 million to the general fund?

7/22/2011: That’s the question a former Board of Regents president is asking, in Iowa: All university revenue should come into one pot, and every department should have to justify its spending. The University of Iowa takes in $66 million in athletic revenue, but that doesn’t mean the department should have…

PEBB brave new HEM world

7/22/2011: From Dennis Thompson’s excellent coverage in the SJ: -Participants in the HEM will have to undergo health screenings to detect potential chronic diseases. In the first year, the screening will involve a simple self-reported waist measurement. Screenings in future years could involve blood work, blood pressure testing and other…

UO slips again

Higher education is a competitive business. And as this article reports, UO simply is not keeping up. We need to hire a search firm, get a VP quick, gut the basement of Johnson Hall, and start installing the proper equipment without further delays. Perhaps an alumnus would be a good…

Give it up, Randy

7/21/2011: UO General Counsel Randy Geller has been trying to find an Associate/Assistant GC for a year now. No takers. He’s getting desperate with this latest job posting from today: The Office of the General Counsel is a fast-paced, high volume work place.  Its attorneys must be able to handle…