8/16/2011: The UK group that does the ratings says their procedures were not followed: SWIP UK regrets to announce that we are withdrawing the Women-Friendly Department Recognition that we had awarded to the University of Oregon’s Philosophy Department for 2011. It has become clear to us that our procedures were not…
UO Matters
8/15/2011: (Also see Bojack.org) Where does the little bit of athletics money that is left over after paying the coaches, AD Rob Mullens, and car payments for most of the athletics department go? Overpriced hotel rooms, with kickbacks to the bowl organizers, of course. Playoffpac.com has the story here. Economist Andy…
8/14/2011: More on this later, meanwhile here is the 8/27/2011 letter from Oregonian editor Peter Bhatia on public records access, with President Lariviere’s response.
Except of course for the players. That would be an NCAA violation. 31 UO employees get stipends for cars, they are all in the athletic department. The RH column is the annual amount in dollars. Name Title courtesy car stipend Abrams, Harold J Assoc AD – Dir of Dvpmt 4800…
58/12/2011: from the Greg Bolt RG story: Almost two-thirds of the money raised during the 2010-11 fiscal year was for academics. Donations for academics totaled $73.3 million, and athletics donations totaled $43.6 million.
8/11/2011: The Eugene Weekly has the story: Allegations of sexual harassment by an unnamed male faculty member of the UO Department of Philosophy by a retired faculty member have led to an investigation by the UO Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity (AAEO) and a lively discussion on philosophy…
8/11/2011: From Dan Ariely at Duke, in the Chronicle: They sent all 498 of their classmates e-mail messages from a fictitious student explaining how to download Mr. Ariely’s final-exam questions and answers from the previous year. Half the messages included this postscript: “P.S. I don’t know if this is cheating…
8/10/2011: OUS had a whole meeting devoted to Equity and Diversity last month. I challenge you to read the docket and come away with any sense for what they will actually do to address the real problems of college access for low SES Oregonians. OUS will do nothing, except for…
8/10/2011: OUS Chancellor Dr. Pernsteiner has appointed his assistant Jay Kenton as the OUS negotiator with SEIU. So Kenton is taking some vacation time. From the SEIU letter declaring a bargaining impasse: We spent much of Monday trying to convince management to join us in telling the governor that the…
8/9/2011: I’ve never heard of it, they don’t show up on google or the UO website. But UO has a job posting for instructors for it: Global Education Leadership Institute Posting: 081106 Location: Eugene Closes: 2012-08-31 Global Education Leadership Institute invites applications for adjunct faculty to provide instruction and program…
8/9/2011: Cincinnati, from the Chronicle.
8/9/2011: From Insidehighered.com. PLoS ONE link here. Nearly half of female faculty members in top science departments wish they’d had more children, but didn’t because of their careers, while about a quarter of their male counterparts feel the same way, according to a new study. This is a large but…
8/9/2011: From Insidehighered.com: Ohio Board of Regents Chancellor Jim Petro will on Thursday unveil a plan designed to reduce government involvement in the state’s 14 public universities, giving the institutions more authority in administrative and financial matters if they meet certain performance benchmarks. … Because the process to date has…
8/9/2011: From Scott Jaschik in Insidehighered.com: These days there are enough blogs on the theme that law school is a scam that there are multiple blogrolls on the subject, where readers can pick among First Tier Toilet!, Fluster Cucked, Subprime JD, Tales of a Fourth-Tier Nothing and more. Most of…
8/9/2011: Around the time Randy Geller was appointed UO General Counsel, longtime GC executive assistant Brian Whalen left to work in the president’s office. He was replaced by Deb Donning, who was given the new title of “Chief of Staff” to the General Counsel. Now it seems like she’s also…