4/26/2011: From Mat Wolf in the ODE: An official complaint alleging sexual harassment and unlawful employment practices within the University’s Department of Public Safety was filed with the state Bureau of Labor and Industries last summer. In the complaint, Jennifer Parker, a former DPS employee whose employment was terminated on…
UO Matters
4/27/2014: That would be in North Dakota. The SPLC has the story here. 5/26/2011: University foundations to follow open records law In California, that is. The UO Foundation is no fan of transparency. Last year they actually went to Attorney General Kroger and procured a special ruling exempting them from…
4/25/2011: Not news to any college professor, from Sam Dillon in the NY Times. It’s all up to us:
4/25/2010: An interesting result from a UO Psych professor, described in the RG: In experiments involving 100 students at UBC, the researchers found that a belief in God doesn’t deter a person from cheating on a test, unless that God is seen as mean and punishing.
4/25/2011: Rachel Bachman of the Oregonian, on the battle between the cheer athletic associations. (Read the many comments at the bottom of her story – pretty hilarious – and yet no so hilarious.)
4/23/2011: At a recent “visioning session” for the UO diversity office, a speaker from the local minority community made the very accurate point that UO’s outreach efforts were mostly focused on the athletic department – not on recruiting high academic performing minority students interested in college. The economist Charles Clotfelter,…
4/23/2011: This is not going to make it easier for the New Partnership plan. Christen McCurdy in the Lund Report.
4/21/2011: Good news from Kim Melton in the Oregonian – but many more hoops until Pernsteiner is out of a job and cut off from his expense accounts.
4/21/2011: Posted at the request of UO historian Glenn Anthony May: I received an Email today from a distinguished China scholar who asks whether the University of Oregon has had public discussions concerning the “illegal detention of Ai Weiwei.” I can’t answer that. (Here is one event at PSU.) Are…
4/21/2011: Mat Wolf in the ODE: SEIU Chief Steward Gary Malone said he had received complaints about questionable behavior by one specific male DPS employee toward three individual female department employees during the last five years. (I’ve had several comments on this situation. I don’t intend to post any until…
4/20/2011: There are a lot of things about UO’s OIED I do not understand. Like this email. Apparently VP for Diversity Charles Martinez hired Abernethy for $2500, to mediate a dispute between the OIED/OMAS staff and himself. Abernethy is a psychologist at Fuller Theological Seminary. Fuller is a fundamentalist divinity…
4/20/2011: Details in this Dennis Thompson story in the Statesman Journal: State workers who smoke or have their spouses on their insurance will pay a monthly surcharge for their health benefits in 2012, according to plan changes tentatively approved Tuesday by the Public Employees’ Benefit Board. Story includes much more.…
4/20/2011: From Sarah Douglas and Marie Vitulli at UO’s AAUP chapter. Also see the AAUP/AFT faulty union website and the Bunsis analysis of UO finances. President Lariviere’s compensation details are here. He is in the top 22nd percentile of public research schools. Don’t get me started on the Chancellor. Stories…
4/20/2011: That’s what I think I heard CAS Dean Scott Coltrane say Academic Affairs is considering requiring, starting next year. Anyone know more – such as how much we paid the consultant who recommended this, and who presumably knows just the right people to provide this training? (Update: apparently no…
4/19/2011: From Saul Hubbard in the RG. The vote was pretty much split on party lines: Democrats for, Republicans against. When the Oregon Republicans vote as a block against a law and order bill because they think it it in an unconscionable infringement on the liberties of those uppity pinko…