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UO Matters


Update, 4/27/2011: One week after my post below, Barack Obama finally released his long form birth certificate. Coincidence? Every other sentient being on the planet may think so, but not me and this other guy with a website. With the help of Donald Trump and Oregon Attorney General John Kroger,…

VP Russ Tomlin open forum:

Update, 4/27/2011: I went to today’s faculty forum, moderated by Larry Singell. It was well attended, and people seemed relatively open about speaking their minds. The review committee made it very clear that they would not report quotes or attribute statements to particular speakers, and that people were free to…

religion and cheating

4/25/2010: An interesting result from a UO Psych professor, described in the RG: In experiments involving 100 students at UBC, the researchers found that a belief in God doesn’t deter a person from cheating on a test, unless that God is seen as mean and punishing. 

college athletics and race

4/23/2011: At a recent “visioning session” for the UO diversity office, a speaker from the local minority community made the very accurate point that UO’s outreach efforts were mostly focused on the athletic department – not on recruiting high academic performing minority students interested in college. The economist Charles Clotfelter,…

Ai Weiwei

4/21/2011: Posted at the request of UO historian Glenn Anthony May: I received an Email today from a distinguished China scholar who asks whether the University of Oregon has had public discussions concerning the “illegal detention of Ai Weiwei.” I can’t answer that. (Here is one event at PSU.) Are…