At Duke, that is. From Libby Sander in the Chronicle, 5/12/2011: Deborah Jakubs, vice provost for library affairs at Duke University, was at a dean’s retreat one Saturday in February when she fell into conversation with the university’s athletic director, Kevin White. The two agreed that they should find a…
UO Matters
5/11/2011: The ivory tower has never been exactly snowy white, but here is an example of a particularly egregious case, the Koch gifts to fund chairs in Free Market Economics at Florida State. Fascinating gift letter/contract here, news story from Kris Hundley of the St. Petersburg Times (that’s Florida, not…
5/11/2011: Two interesting stories in the ODE. Nora Simon has a retrospective on UO Senate President Nathan Tublitz’s term: Shared governance means the Senate and the administration have joint power to make decisions that affect the University, according to the University’s charter, and Tublitz has fought to keep that relationship…
6/9/2011: Over the last decade UO’s research ranking dropped by 4, to #128. From the Chronicle of Higher Ed report issued yesterday, based on “federally financed research funding”. One possible reason for the fall is our minuscule “institutionally financed research expenditure” In theory, these funds can act as seed money…
5/8/2011: Greg Bolt has dual front page stories on the UO administration’s complicity in subsidizing UO athletics with state tax revenue and regular student tuition, in today’s Register Guard. The first compares the dismal support services for regular students with what the athletes get at what the NY Times calls…
5/8/2011: In 2009 OUS Chancellor George Pernsteiner, PhD appointed Dave Frohnmayer as UO President Emeritus for Life, with this sweetheart contract. Now it looks like the UO Senate is going to take that title away from him: It’s a tough world: last summer Russ Tomlin cut Frohnmayer’s pay to $201,208…
5/7/2011: The Oregon Daily Emerald has some great photos of the Friday night concert, outdoors at the EMU. By photogs Ivar Vong and Aaron Marineau. Check out the link, you will wish you were not so old.
5/7/2011: In the Austin Statesman, via The UT system compiled a data set on faculty productivity, then squelched it, then fired the guy who told the press they’d squelched it. Jack wonders if the recent SOS audit was motivated by questions from an Oregon legislator. Probably, Oregon HB 3118…
5/7/2011: OUS Chancellor George Pernsteiner, PhD, is raising objections to the new EMU – student rec plan. From Greg Bolt in the RG: … The UO plan calls for major renovations and expansions to the Erb Memorial Union, the central gathering place for students and student organizations, and the Student…
5/7/2011: Lauren Fox in the RG, on the ORI building: Details about numbers of parking spaces and the size of setbacks needed for an office building may determine whether a years-long dispute over the proposed Oregon Research Institute building ends amicably. The question building experts are evaluating is whether the…
5/6/2011: The economists say you learn what people want by watching what they do, not what they say. Here at UO the number of students is up 20% and tuition is up 30%, while the number of faculty is unchanged, we haven’t had a raise in 3 years, and the…
Email sent to faculty 5/4/2011. Note the lack of faculty. Colleagues: I am pleased to share with you the individuals listed below have agreed to serve on the search committee for the university’s CFO. We have chosen Issacson, Miller as the search firm to assist the UO in recruiting our…
5/4/2011: An Oregonian op-ed from former UO track star Steve Bence. If you’ve ever walked by that plaque on Hayward field and wondered what made a so-so champion runner into a genuine hero, you should read it all.
5/4/2011: Rachel Bachman of the Oregonian reports that on Wednesday the Pac-10 will announce a new TV deal that will boost UO’s take to $21 million. George Schroeder in the RG explains what it means for UO. President Lariviere and AD Rob Mullens are planning a joint news conference, at…
5/3/2011: In the Oregonian. This is the DAS Facilities Division. They only paid the consultant $90 an hour. The people in charge have been placed on leave by the new DAS Director, and are now under investigation. Meanwhile, UO is paying one of the Huron consultants $250 an hour. I…