1/28/2011: An Op-Ed in the ODE by ASUO Pres Amelie Rousseau and Mario Parker Milligan (OSA) on the new partnership plan: … President Lariviere is fond of pointing out that tuition has risen an average of 7.5 percent over the past 38 years. What he’s not so fond of pointing…
UO Matters
1/28/2011: Regarding Kroger’s new laws. From Stefan Verbano in the ODE: “I am not going to argue against it (because) I don’t disagree with the intent of making government more open.” Nice that our Public Records Officer is willing to go on record as not disagreeing with the theory behind…
1/27/2011: Colton Totland in the ODE does a good interview: PB: I agreed to co-sponsor the proposal because I think it is very important to have this conversation in the legislature. A subject is always open to new information, but at this point I am convinced that the funding proposal…
If you have ever been inside “Treetops”, the official OUS Chancellor’s residence at 2237 Spring Boulevard, or if you know anything about its current use, I would be interested in hearing the approximate date and the circumstances. Please email [email protected] or leave an anonymous comment. Comments starting with “DO NOT…
Campus Town Hall on New Partnership Unfortunately, neither the bond nor the UO specific board parts of the plan have been getting much support outside UO. This will be a chance for Pres Lariviere to give us an update of where he thinks this plan is going. January 26, 2011Time:…
1/25/2011: This is really bad news for UO’s future. IU press release here. UO Pres Lariviere should be firing his current top administrators and promoting people like Associate Dean Singell. Instead he has decided to keep the deadwood while focusing on his new partnership plan, and now one of our…
http://uopubsafety.blogspot.com/ On Friday, January 28, 2011, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., the University of Oregon will host “Coffee with the Chief” in the Mills International Center. Chief Doug Tripp from the University Of Oregon Department Of Public Safety (UODPS) will be joined by Assistant Chief Carolyn McDermed, Dean of…
1/25/2011: Dennis Howard is a B-school prof in the UO sports-marketing department. His work is on the tradeoff between athletic donations and donations to the academic side. In a 2004 paper using data from UO donors, he concludes: At least contextually, there is evidence that a winning program may significantly…
rejected by the Michigan faculty. The interesting part? For faculty members hired as assistant professors at Michigan, tenure is not a certainty. Between 1982 and 2004, 54.6 percent of those hired as assistant professors received tenure, according to Michigan’s office of budget and planning. It is almost unheard of for…
1/25/2011: The Oregon Commentator provides excellent interviews with campus notables in its latest issue. Mostly campus notables who haven’t been on campus long enough to know that they will regret it. Our new Dean of Students, Paul Shang, for example: OC: The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has listed…
1/24/2011: The faculty union organizers have been quiet lately, but this 2/17 event looks interesting.
searching through the UO accounts for expenses for our “self-supporting” athletic department that are actually paid by the academic side. The $2 million in general funds for the Jock Box tutoring is just one example. Here’s another – our NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative: I’d never even heard of this position…
1/23/2011: Some readers might be interested in the blog and forums at angrybeavs.com. Mostly OSU sports, but the occasional academic issue pops up. It seems to be the work of an OSU professor.
1/23/2011: From David Sarasohn in the Oregonian. No specifics.
1/20/2011: Steps down as interim AD, but kept the benefits, and a nice chunk of the $360,000 salary. I wonder what arrangement she and Rob Mullens have for this year? How long will this go on? Who is running UO? What does paying for her car and cell phone have…