2/3/2011: We’ve written before on George Pernsteiner’s bizarre path to the top of Oregon’s higher education bureaucracy. Now it appears Kitzhaber has decided to keep him on as chancellor. That’s a bummer. Again, no search, no alternative candidates, no transparency. Given Pernsteiner’s self-interested opposition to Lariviere’s New-Partnership plan, this is…
UO Matters
2/2/2011: UO now has an online “official organ”, Inside Oregon. It’s OK. They’ve even got blogs on the hot topics: Francis Dyke’s plan for an armed UO police force, and President Lariviere’s new partnership plan. I gave their comments a test and the editor, Joe Moseley, is approving the critical…
at the UO Police Force meeting today, 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Feb 2, in the Fir Room of the EMU: 1) As you know your previous two hires as DPS Director did not have their contracts renewed, under odd circumstances. The first was Richard Turkiewicz, whom you hired from…
2/1/2011: Matt Wolf in the ODE reports that VP for Finance Frances Dyke’s budget claims that: … The fiscal impact statement indicates that the passage of SB 116, which would allow for the transition of the Department of Public Safety into a sworn police agency, would have a minimal financial…
1/31/2011: The Oregonian prints the tragic story of Elizabeth Duncan, the girl who was the victim of Neil Goldschmidt, former Oregon Governor, US Secretary of Transporation, and (briefly) OUS President. She died two weeks ago after a life of drug abuse and mental illness. He is still a well connected…
1/31/2011: The decisions have all been made, the bills are in front of the legislature, Frances Dyke has written a blank check out of the general tuition fund. Hiring is under way and firearms training has commenced. Now it’s time to ask the students, faculty and staff for input: Jan.…
1/31/2011: George Pernsteiner is pretty much unique among university chancellors in not having a PhD – not that there’s anything wrong with that. So how did he end up pulling down $350K in salary and benefits from a state that’s been slashing higher ed spending? In 2004 OUS Board President…
1/30/2011: In a NY Times story on the UConn donor who pulled his sports donations when the AD didn’t ask him who to hire as coach. Professor Earl from English Lit, on Oregon. “The world thinks of us as a sports franchise,” he added. “They don’t care what we do…
1/29/2011: Back in December Nigel Jaquiss reported Pernsteiner was on the short list of state agency heads Kitzhaber had told to prepare resignations. Below are bits from an Oregonian column from November in which Steve Duin reports on retroactive raises given to Pernsteiner by the OUS board – while he…
1/26/2011: That’s according to the new Carnegie Foundation rankings, based on 2010 data. 73 public institutions are in this group. OSU has been it in it for a while, this is the first time UO has made the cut. Nice. It must have been my grants that put us over…
1/28/2011: An Op-Ed in the ODE by ASUO Pres Amelie Rousseau and Mario Parker Milligan (OSA) on the new partnership plan: … President Lariviere is fond of pointing out that tuition has risen an average of 7.5 percent over the past 38 years. What he’s not so fond of pointing…
1/28/2011: Regarding Kroger’s new laws. From Stefan Verbano in the ODE: “I am not going to argue against it (because) I don’t disagree with the intent of making government more open.” Nice that our Public Records Officer is willing to go on record as not disagreeing with the theory behind…
1/27/2011: Colton Totland in the ODE does a good interview: PB: I agreed to co-sponsor the proposal because I think it is very important to have this conversation in the legislature. A subject is always open to new information, but at this point I am convinced that the funding proposal…
If you have ever been inside “Treetops”, the official OUS Chancellor’s residence at 2237 Spring Boulevard, or if you know anything about its current use, I would be interested in hearing the approximate date and the circumstances. Please email [email protected] or leave an anonymous comment. Comments starting with “DO NOT…
Campus Town Hall on New Partnership Unfortunately, neither the bond nor the UO specific board parts of the plan have been getting much support outside UO. This will be a chance for Pres Lariviere to give us an update of where he thinks this plan is going. January 26, 2011Time:…