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UO Matters

Kitzhaber keeps Pernsteiner

2/3/2011: We’ve written before on George Pernsteiner’s bizarre path to the top of Oregon’s higher education bureaucracy. Now it appears Kitzhaber has decided to keep him on as chancellor. That’s a bummer. Again, no search, no alternative candidates, no transparency. Given Pernsteiner’s self-interested opposition to Lariviere’s New-Partnership plan, this is…

Inside Oregon blogs

2/2/2011: UO now has an online “official organ”, Inside Oregon. It’s OK. They’ve even got blogs on the hot topics: Francis Dyke’s plan for an armed UO police force, and President Lariviere’s new partnership plan. I gave their comments a test and the editor, Joe Moseley, is approving the critical…

Goldschmidt victim obituary

1/31/2011: The Oregonian prints the tragic story of Elizabeth Duncan, the girl who was the victim of Neil Goldschmidt, former Oregon Governor, US Secretary of Transporation, and (briefly) OUS President. She died two weeks ago after a life of drug abuse and mental illness. He is still a well connected…


1/31/2011: The decisions have all been made, the bills are in front of the legislature, Frances Dyke has written a blank check out of the general tuition fund. Hiring is under way and firearms training has commenced. Now it’s time to ask the students, faculty and staff for input: Jan.…