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UO Matters

UO Senate to meet on Expedited Tenure, Test Optional Admits, Admin Hiring

Today, Wednesday 2/12/2020, Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) Sorry, no live-blogging this time. Expect a lively discussion over the proposal to expand the Expedited Tenure Policy to Assoc Prof hires, (vote) and the Guidelines for Academic Administrator Hiring – which would write down some minimal practices for…

MMXX-V Union bargaining: Tenure appeals & tighter sabbatical rules.

My continuing series on Budget Buckets is here. If you don’t like my blog read the official Union tweets or Facebook. MMXX-V Live-blog. Usual disclaimer: My opinion and interpretation of what the bargainers are saying, thinking, or should be saying or thinking. Nothing is a quote unless in quotes. Short Version: The Faculty Union pushed…

Altman’s heavily subsidized Duck BBall gets new coaches offices

Some buckets are more equal than others. From Carrington Powell in the Daily Emerald: The University of Oregon is updating the Matthew Knight Arena with new enhancements, such as a rebranding and new coach offices, nine years after its construction. … “It’s areas that haven’t been updated from a graphic…

The Phildo takes final form

1/22/2020: Burly ironworkers add thick, pulsing veins to Duck’s “University Tower” I thought the original egofice (left) was surprisingly small – some might even say under-endowed. Apparently someone with money was also underwhelmed, and the construction crew has been working double-shifts to add some girth, just in case anyone didn’t…

Matella updates Admins on Admin view of bargaining progress

**Sent on behalf of Missy Matella** Dear Colleagues, The University of Oregon [The Administration] and United Academics (UA) [The Faculty Union] began bargaining a new collective bargaining agreement on January 9 with the first several sessions focused on UA’s proposals. After three sessions, UA has proposed changes to 16 existing…