The full text of the official UAUO report from session VI, last Th, is below. The next session will be this Thursday, 12-3 in 125 Chiles. I don’t know what will be on the table yet.
UO Matters
Dean Marcilyn Burke will ask the Board of Trustees for a 7% increase – but it’s a shell game. She will keep the money for the law school’s own budget, including more fee remissions. So actual cost will barely change, and after scholarships law students will still pay only ~50%…
From Ryan Nguyen in the Emerald: The University of Oregon’s original estimate of how many of its graduate employees it failed to pay last October has doubled from 350 to 700 since the mistake was first announced, according to an internal university report. The report reviews the October 2019 incident in which…
Today, Wednesday 2/12/2020, Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) Sorry, no live-blogging this time. Expect a lively discussion over the proposal to expand the Expedited Tenure Policy to Assoc Prof hires, (vote) and the Guidelines for Academic Administrator Hiring – which would write down some minimal practices for…
Hannah Kannik has the protest story in the ODE here: “We are out here plugging folks to show up to a community meeting at the end of this month,” Pishioneri said. “We’re also getting signatures not only to be added to our email list but also to be taken up…
This should be sobering news for those well-paid administrators who hope the rest of us will uncritically swallow their hype about the Knight Campus as an engine for economic development and good jobs. There’s no doubt it will pay off for some: But the long-run external net benefits are far…
Dear Colleagues, The Faculty Club will be open this week during the usual hours, with gatherings on Wednesday and Thursday from 5:00 to 8:00. Wednesday will involve general hob-nobbing, but Thursday night we will have a special theme. Lee Rumbarger of the Teaching Effectiveness Program (TEP) will deliver the Six-o-Clock…
Point-counterpoint in the ODE here: Background: The Daily Emerald reported last week that the University of Oregon Law School will waive the LSAT requirement for UO undergraduates who have a 3.5 GPA upon graduating and scored in the 85th percentile of the ACT or SAT. Emerald opinion columnists weighed in…
Some buckets are more equal than others. From Carrington Powell in the Daily Emerald: The University of Oregon is updating the Matthew Knight Arena with new enhancements, such as a rebranding and new coach offices, nine years after its construction. … “It’s areas that haven’t been updated from a graphic…
1/22/2020: Burly ironworkers add thick, pulsing veins to Duck’s “University Tower” I thought the original egofice (left) was surprisingly small – some might even say under-endowed. Apparently someone with money was also underwhelmed, and the construction crew has been working double-shifts to add some girth, just in case anyone didn’t…
It’s hiring season, and prospective hires often have at least one of these two sometimes unspoken questions: How hard will it be to find a partner here? How hard will it be to find good child-care here? The answer to question 2 should be “easy”, but it’s not. The University…