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UO Matters

Johnson Hall can’t hire a Library Dean without paying a search firm $150K?

No wonder Brad Shelton is running a $10M deficit. It’s not like this is something important like a new Duck offensive co-ordinator. In fact, according to the glossy brochure put out by WittKieffer search consultants Suzanne Teer, Philip Tang, and Jessica Herrington at [email protected], who are charging us $150K or…

Update: OSU hired F. King Alexander, despite censure by LSU Senate and the AAUP after he fired a professor for cussing in class

Updates: I wonder how much of this the Witt/Kieffer search consultants, Zachary A. Smith, Ph.D., Suzanne Teer and Kim Brettschneider passed on to the OSU Board and hiring committees. In 2018 the UNC system banned its schools from hiring Witt Kieffer for searches, after they failed to do due diligence…

UO Senate live-blog today, Wed Dec 11th, on Data Science proposal etc.

Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. Livestream here. 3:00 P.M.   Call to Order Introductory Remarks; Senate President Elizabeth Skowron Discusses possibility of move senate and committee elections and appointments to earlier in the year, so we’re not filling seats in the summer. Great idea.…