The announcement from Provost Phillips on UO’s VPR search is here, with a list of the search committee members etc. It will be an open, national, affirmative action compliant search. Good news. But the search firm will be Isaacson Miller, who ran the PSU Presidential search that brought them Rahmat…
UO Matters
Today is my final day working @registerguard. I’m thrilled to be joining the communications staff @4Jschools. It’ll be an adjustment after working as a newspaper reporter for 21 years, but I’m excited both for the opportunity and as a new way to serve our community. — Christian Hill (@RGchill) January…
Provost Operations Admin salaries up 292%. Another in a series of occasional posts on the subject of where the UO administration is spending our money:
At It’s better than I’d expected. A low bar to be sure, but there’s some useful info. If you know where to click, you can even find information on administrative bloat, such as this page showing that the General Counsel’s office has grown from 11 to 25 administrators and…
Just kidding, he’s decided to bet UO’s future on the same failed policies that got us to this point. Today’s Open Mike: Dear University of Oregon colleagues, Conversations I regularly have with students, faculty, staff, donors, and community members often go one of two very different ways. The vast majority…
Ryan Nguyen has a good report in the Daily Emerald, here: But the plan to build new residence halls does not entirely square with the findings of a residence hall feasibility study from September 2011. The report, meant to inform UO’s future housing projects, states that the university should “not demolish its…
#2 in a series of occasional posts on the subject of where the UO administration is spending our money. Content Strategery is up $2M, Brand Strategery $400K. If you have any idea WTF he’s buying with that money please post a comment.
#1 in a series of occasional posts on the subject of where the UO administration is spending our money:
The Daily Emerald report is here. The redacted investigation report is here.
Don’t bother clicking on this link. It’s not very informative, and where it tries, it’s wrong. For some solid info on these programs, read the 2015 story by former RG reporter Diane Dietz, here, on Thompson’s previous attempt to pitch this to the Trustees.