We were #103 in 2015, based on the data from the year before the BoT hired Michael Schill. I assume Chuck Lillis and the Board of Trustees will blame this lack of progress on the faculty union – how else to justify that $100K bonus? Link here:
UO Matters
The legendary Subaru Brat – with optional T-top roof – seen on 17th east of campus. A bit rough: As was Ronald Reagan’s, before restoration: For comparison, the Caballero:
In other shared governance news the faculty union starts bargaining with the administration this Th, 12-3PM, also in the EMU Crater Lake room, also open to the public. The Daily Emerald’s Jack Forrest has a story on the Senate here: … Skowron also said she hopes the Senate will be…
That would be OSU’s new President F. King Alexander, reflecting on his successes and failures at LSU, on a piece from the Sambla Sweden blog today: … Another area where Alexander wishes he could have been more effective was convincing the leadership of other SEC institutions to join him in…
For 2019-20 state government will spend $4.32 per $1,000 of PI on higher ed. It was $4.02 in 2014-15. The national average increased from $5.48 to $5.55. Data is from https://education.illinoisstate.edu/grapevine/about/
While there is still no sign the GC’s office is willing to settle the gender discrimination lawsuit brought by Prof Jennifer Freyd, this is the second time that I know of that Reed’s office has agreed to settle with a male student who complained that UO had botched its investigation…
I’m sure it was a fun junket for our Johnson Hall administrators, who spared no expense in providing the documentation the IRS will want when they claim it was for a “business purpose”: But it didn’t matter much to Google Trends:
That works out to 0.3% of his $800K golden parachute. Violations included accepting a gift trip to Bohemian Grove, conflicts of interest regarding the PSU presidential mansion, and something about sneakers. Jeff Manning has the story in the Oregonian: The Oregon Government Ethics Commission has determined that Rahmat Shoureshi, former…
Dear colleagues, I am delighted to invite you to the next in the CAS Interdisciplinary Research Talks series: During last year’s discussions about a potential reorganization of the College of Arts and Sciences (in the CAS Task Force), we heard from faculty members across all CAS divisions who expressed the…
There’s nothing like people singing “O’er the land of the Free and the home of the Brave” to bring out the fascism in big-time sports. The latest from the RG letters a few days ago: On Dec. 21, University of Oregon women Duck fans were treated to a great game.…
Thanks to a consistently helpful reader for the link. The fines were only $750 per violation, but it’s a start:
Just kidding, of course they don’t: The MOU between UAUO and the UO Administration is here. The TTF merit pool is 1.625% by department and the NTTF merit pool is 2.125%, so if your raise is more than that you are excellenter than the rest of your department. For TTF,…
From InsideHigher Ed here: The explosion of new master’s degree programs in recent years hasn’t corresponded with a surge in students, analysis by the research and technology services company EAB suggests. Megan Adams, managing director of research at EAB, said many colleges have overestimated the popularity of new degree programs.…
To replace Karen Ford, who in turn will replace the administrative CAS dean position that Bruce Blonigen held until he was promoted to Interim CAS Dean, after Andrew Marcus quit. [pdf-embedder url=”https://uomatters.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Wonham-DD-for-Humanities-Announcement.pdf” title=”Wonham DD for Humanities Announcement”]
12/19/2019 from Forensics Director Trond Jacobsen: I’d like to thank him for sending this very interesting letter on the history and present of debate at UO. It also explains his work on the fund modifications, which will allow these gifts to be used to benefit our students. And follow his…