When I go to Great Britain to give a talk and the Queen’s immigration officers find out I’m a professor, they give me a skeptical look, then stamp my passport with a prohibition against recourse to public funds: But when Niels De Vos wanted a US visa to work in…
UO Matters
Thanks to a loyal reader for the link: Members of the union—Academic Researchers United (ARU)—ratified the 3-year deal in a 2450-to-53 vote on 8 November. The contract guarantees: Salary increases of up to 24% over the duration of the contract Eligibility to participate in the same benefits and retirement programs as other…
I know I’ve posted some unkind things about the UO BoT, and they can expect more to come, e.g. about the IAAF 2021 championships. But things could be worse. We could have a board that decided to donate $2.5M in university money to a neo-confederate group, so they could build…
The RG’s Adam Duvernay has the interesting story here. If you’re using these data for a consulting report on the economic impact of Duck football, or to forecast the impact of the IAAF 2021 championships, don’t make the mistake of assuming that this money will stay in Eugene. Rational utility-maximizing…
Compare FLOTUS Melania Trump’s response to student protests during her recent speech in Baltimore, to UO President Mike Schill’s response to student protests during his 2017 State of the University address in the EMU: Trump’s response on Tuesday, from the RG: Melania Trump defends rights of Baltimore teens to boo…
FSU has fired Coach Taggart, and apparently he expected to get a $17M buyout. But as the Tampa Bay Times reports, apparently FSU and Taggart never actually got around to signing a contract: When this happened at UO with Mike Bellotti, President Lariviere fired Melinda Grier, the general counsel that…
From InsideHigherEd, here: December’s Notices of the American Mathematical Society contains a surprising column on Page 4, given that mathematicians have not been on the front lines of debates about diversity and campus speech. The column, by Abigail Thompson, chair of math at the University of California, Davis, and one of the society’s vice presidents, says…
Here. I don’t know or really care much about the details of this particular claim or under what sort of pressure this reporter’s apology was made, but I will say, and I think I can prove to the satisfaction of 12 reasonable persons, that Rob Mullens was dishonest to me…
This sort of plain-spoken statement seems to becoming a more common response to complaints about faculty who express themselves offensively, and my understanding is that this is now the recommended course of action by the AAU, as it has been by the AAUP since McCarthyism if not earlier. In my…
Dear Colleagues, During recent remarks to the University Senate, President Mike Schill alerted the campus to yet another potential budget crisis. He identified four reasons for his concern about budget “fragility:” the ongoing difficulties with PERS funding, the decrease in international students, low reserves, and the loss of “flexibility” due…
Back of the envelope I’m guessing Pres Schill has let his GC Kevin Read pay Barran and Liebman $300K in tuition money fighting this gender discrimination lawsuit against himself and other UO administrators, with plenty more billable hours to come at $300 per. [Kevin, if I’ve got that wrong please…
Thanks to a reader for the latest link, from Willamette Week’s Aaron Mesh. It’s a very long story, mostly about Alberto Salazar and Mary Cain. Here’s the UO part: Welcome to Nike Town Track scandals arrive just as Oregon takes the world stage. The allegation that Nike abused runners comes…
11/21/2019: I’m sitting at the meeting in the EMU now – four athletic department administrators and several very skeptical ASUO students. Here’s the data for revenue from tickets sold to non-students. It’s fallen by about $4M in 5 years. So he’s trying to increase what students have to pay to…
11/20/2019 repost: These are old data, but I doubt they’ve changed much.
8/9/2015: My understanding is that UO administration bargainer Bill Brady has said that the reason full professor pay for some UO departments lags the AAU averages is that some UO departments just aren’t that good. So I got curious if there was a correlation between UO department quality and pay.
The horizontal axis is the National Research Council’s 2010 ranking of UO PhD programs, see below for methodology. The vertical axis is average pay for UO full professors by department as a percentage of average pay at AAU publics for 2014-15. From UO IR, here.
I’m no econometrician, but the slope coefficient looks like zero to me. And lets not talk about the variance. There’s probably better data for department rankings but I doubt it changes the conclusion much: whatever system the UO administration is using to set faculty pay, it’s not about quality.
The National Research Council rankings were released in 2010, the data was from 2007. Quoting from a description of the methodology here, “The NRC used 20 variables that it considers “indicators of program quality.” Variables include measures of faculty research activity, student support and outcomes, and faculty and student demographics. The indicators come from the extensive data provided by the institutions themselves as well as some data collected by the NRC (e.g., faculty awards, publications, and citations).” US News has more recent rankings for departments, but in contrast to their data driven undergrad rankings, the grad rankings are crap – entirely reputational, and the survey has simplistic questions and very low response rates. UO has current data on productivity from Academic Analytics by department (and faculty member) for ourselves and comparators, but the UO administration has chosen to keep even the UO department data secret. Maybe the administration’s bargaining team will show it at Wednesday’s bargaining session though, in an effort to justify their low-ball raise proposal?
9/29/2010: Idiots guide to NRC rankings of graduate programs:
When I moved here in 1995, Oregon was a poor state. Now median income for Oregon families is above the national average: Full report here. It also addresses the implications for state revenue, which are boffo.