Seems like odd timing, with the performances to start next week. Here’s the email sent to the faculty – no mention of lintgate: Dear Friends, I wanted to be the first to share with you the news that we’ve made the difficult decision to eliminate the executive director position at…
UO Matters
I’m not exactly shocked. Hiding the reserves from the legislature is, of course, Job #1 for any public university’s VP for Finance. If the university is unionized, they also have to hide the money from the unions and the AAUP’s forensic accountant Howard Bunsis. Thanks to an anonymous reader for…
6/13/2019 letter to campus from Provost Phillips: Dear Colleagues, Although I don’t start in my role as provost until July, with the term winding down I wanted to connect now before many of you turn your attention away from campus for the summer. First, let me tell you what an…
They’re claiming these are educational records protected under FERPA. Michael Tobin and Anakin Welp have the story in the Emerald here. A snippet:
That would be Mark Wasikowski, who is “honored and humbled to have this opportunity from Rob Mullens, Eric Roedl and the University of Oregon administration”. The Oregonian has the exciting news here. Add in OPE, bonuses, car, club memberships, tickets and travel for family and friends, and miscellaneous other porkalicious…
President Schill has justified his cuts to the museums’ budgets by arguing they are peripheral to UO’s academic mission – while he is protecting the Duck Athletics budget, which will grow by about 3% next year. Today’s Daily Emerald report from Hannah Kannik explain’s the academic side of the MNCH,…
From: [email protected] <[email protected]> On Behalf Of Shelley Harshe Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 11:44 AM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: lib-staff: Mark Watson named interim dean of UO Libraries This message is being sent on behalf of Provost and Senior Vice President Jayanth Banavar. Dear UO Libraries Faculty and Staff, I…
As sang Woody Guthrie. And it seems the economic returns to higher education are so generalizable that they even hold for outlaws. Thanks to an anonymous reader for the link: Is there any return to education in criminal activities? This paper is one of the first to investigate whether education…
6/7/2019 update: Legislature to add ~$100M to PUSF, Gov Brown wants more
That’s the rumor today. According to Pres Schill’s proposal below, $120M would keep UO’s tuition increase below the 5% trigger for HECC review, and also save Duck AD Rob Mullens a couple hundred large to help pay for his new baseball coach.
5/20/2019 update: Update: Millions from staff and students, not a cent from Duck athletics or Law
President Schill has sent his tuition increase recommendations to the BOT, below. His proposal cuts TFAB’s support for low income students, keeps the LERC and museum cuts, and leaves athletic subsidies untouched. The TFAB’s proposal was for a progressive increase in financial aid as tuition increased. Pres Schill’s recommendation is for only $350K in new financial aid, and that only if the tuition increase goes above 5%, the level which triggers HECC review.
Meanwhile, the “temporary” budget funding for law school scholarships increases by $190K. Of the $44M in fee remissions President Schill mentions below, $7M or goes to UO’s ~410 law school students, for an average of $17,100 each, per year. (I don’t know how it’s split up). The other $37M is divided among UO’s 22,350 other students, for an average of $1,650.
While President Schill’s charge to the task force told them not to make a recommendation for or against breakup, they ignored this, and recommend against a breakup. He has accepted their advice, for now. Perhaps the new provost will try to restart this fight someday, but the report from Karen…
Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. Call to order Introductory Remarks; Senate President Bill Harbaugh Remarks: President Schill 3:29 PM Approval of Minutes February 13, 2019 and May 22, 2019 3:30 PM Business / Reports: Vote on Other Curricular Matters included in the…
Presumably he’ll be sending Gottfredson an invoice for his billable hours. Full opinion here. The abstract: Thanks to an anonymous commenter for the tip.
The Oregonian’s Ken Goe reports here: … The Ducks had just one regular-season home meet in 2017 and two 2018, in part, because of delays in Hayward’s reconstruction timeline. There were no home meets this year. Next year is in question. The NCAA championships, held at Hayward from 2013-18, have…
6/3/2019 update: I think the most dysfunctional aspect of this secret search is that whoever gets the job of leader of UO’s academic side will not be able to make a plausible claim that they have a mandate from the faculty. The RG’s Jordyn Brown reports that UO will not…