You wouldn’t know it from today’s Around the O post on the administration’s bargaining proposals, but the US Western Region CPI-U has been increasing at about 3% for the past few years: Assuming that continues, the “salary increases” the UO administration is offering the GTFF union will amount to about…
UO Matters
What does UO’s senate do for you? New execs aim to be ‘voice of the people’ By Reporter Jack Forrest, read it all here.
That’s tonight’s rumor from the generally well-informed bartender down at the Faculty Club swimming pool. It seems Vice Provost for Academic Affairs Scott Pratt is starting his well deserved sabbatical next week and there’s been no announcement for interim applicants. At least one AVP is on the job market. Concerns about…
Thanks to an anonymous reader for the link, text reposted below: Universities propose ½ step freezes while other public employees see wages go up University administration offered a new proposal to our bargaining team on Tuesday, taking their draconian healthcare cuts off the table but failing to meet us on…
I’m no economist, but I’m pretty sure this is a violation of the law of comparative advantage. Rumor down at the faculty club is that the union will start a crowd-funding campaign to restore weekly service. Meanwhile, my guesses as to WTF is going on are: a) CPFM VP Mike…
From the Salem Reporter here: State employees got a win unlike anything they have seen since before the recession with the legislature dedicating $200 million to pay increases. That money allowed Service Employees International Union Local 503 to negotiate a two-year contract with the state that gives a 10 to…
From the Oregon Quarterly. Subscribe to OQ
I’m guessing that WWII is not the first thing that comes to most people’s minds when they see this thing (left) rising over the field formerly known as Hayward. But, as a helpful reader pointed out, the architectural influence from Hitler’s Flaktürme anti-aircraft towers is striking:
No details, or any effort to explain why he is maintaining the subsidies for Duck Athletics and the law school. Link here: University administrators have completed the process of identifying $11.6 million in budget reductions to the University of Oregon’s education and general fund. President Michael H. Schill asked university…
No, I’m not talking about UO’s well paid lobbyists, who seem incapable of persuading the legislature to give us money for anything except the IAAF 2021 championships and the Knight Campus. In any case there’s no report from them, as of yet. Meanwhile here’s the handy “2019 Legislative Scorecard”, from…
I’m at the Eugene City Council work meeting now, listening to Stephanie Scafa, the city’s 2021 project lead, present a puff piece to the council. Flashy video and handouts. She says “there’s a lot to be excited about”. It’s about “what sort of community we want to be”. “An opportunity…
A modest proposal for Provost Patrick Phillips, from the 1/2 Price Provost: Cutting Duck baseball and moving the Jock Box from the provost’s budget to the AD’s are the easy ways to raise $4M recurring for the academic side. Auctioning off Alexander Phimister Proctor’s statue of the Pioneer Father would…
The Oregonian’s James Crepea has the news here: Cristobal, who went 9-4 in his first full season at Oregon, will go from earning $2.5 million per year under his old contract to $2.6 million this year, with increases of $100,000 in each of the following four years. Cristobal’s maximum attainable…