The Senate did its job today. Actions added below. SENATE MEETING AGENDA 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) Livestream here. DRAFT (updated 1/30 and 1/29 regarding the sexual relationships policy and Teaching Evals disclaimer language) Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00…
UO Matters
I recently had cause to visit USC. It was a good conference, but the sessions were not short. During one welcome break, I came across this – in the business school, of course. I salute your taste for generosity and humor, J.K.P., class of 1970! Any guesses on how much…
Bengt Holmstrom got a 2016 Nobel for this basic insight, which given how little I’ve heard about research metrics lately, may even have taken hold with our administrative leadership. Now Stanford economists Caroline Hoxby and Sarah Turner have a new paper on the consequences for low SES students, as explained in…
Today’s editorial in the Bend Bulletin: A small exchange in court in Salem on Wednesday spoke volumes about the public’s right to know how its money is spent under Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program. Lawyers representing The Bulletin and the state of Oregon were in the courtroom of Marion County Circuit…
Franklin Lewis in the Daily Emerald, here.
That’s the news from the Senate’s job-site tour today. It looks pretty good. Glad to hear there will be classrooms, in the basement and first floor. Space for advisors and math and writing tutors on floors 1-3, and deluxe corner offices for the CAS Dean and the VP for Equity on…
And the winners are a matter of public record: At one point the Oregon Health Plan couldn’t afford to cover all low income applicants, so they had monthly lotteries. But this is new to me – Kyle Iboshi of KGW8 has the story here: … Last year, the OLCC created a…
Forwarded by a reader. Bargaining with their new faculty union starts in Feb, and bargaining with the legislature and governor has started already. So some “the sky is falling” messaging is to be expected, as when Sharon Rudnick told the UO faculty that we could have raises or wifi, but…
As documented in this Eugene Weekly report on the demise of the Register Guard, there is now no regular reporter with a higher ed or UO beat left in the state. Diane Dietz was the last. The Daily Emerald does a great job, but has trouble scraping up the money…
Apparently this has been going on for a while. They are asking for supporters to show up at tomorrow’s session. Here’s hoping our new administration is handling it more competently than Scott Coltrane, Doug Park, and Harrang et al did last time. The GTF union web page is here.
Word down at the faculty club is that Chairman Harper has finally relented to Senate pressure and agreed to reopen the Faculty Club tomorrow: Dear Colleagues, The Faculty Club opens its doors again this week for the Winter Term, and will continue in operation while university classes are in session.…
That’s the news from the Chronicle of Higher Ed today here by Kristin Doerer (gated if off campus, some clips below) complete with a photo of some squirrelly looking economist: Well, economists do have some experience with the misuse of metrics. From the article: Emily Wu and Kenneth Ancell, two students…
1/13/2019 update: UO football player Sam Poutasi suing UO, Taggart 1 day after Doug Brenner files similar lawsuit Jack Butler and Shawn Medow had the scoop on the second lawsuit in the Daily Emerald on Friday. There are many national news stories on this now, including Austin Meek in the…
#1 is this Rawlsian maximin clamp: “Tested”? And rejected, according to Harsanyi. My experience was more positive. This cost $6 at Bring Recycling and did its job. If you are in need of a clamp, philosophical or otherwise, you should also check out Lance’s Used Tools just down the street, for their excellent prices…