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UO Matters

Office of Resilience used CAS faculty as unwitting, unpaid test subjects for consulting company

Unpaid isn’t quite the right word though. Apparently Le Duc paid the consultants. This is nuts. Chief Resilience Officer Andre Le Duc: … The project we are doing with CAS is a pilot project designed to test the tool at a US university.  Resilient Organizations has been using the benchmark…

Duck coach Dana Altman tells UO GC Kevin Reed he was played by player

This guy always looks so angry. You’d think he’s trying to get appointed to the Supreme Court. At least this time it’s not about his unpaid student-athletes protesting for #blacklivesmatter. The Oregonian has the latest info on the University of Oregon’s second highest paid employee: By Brad Schmidt and Jeff Manning |…

Big-time college sports brings more glory to university

updates: 11/7/2018: Faculty Senate votes to tell president who pushed disastrous big-time sports expansion to retire, calls for Trustee accountability: The University of Maryland Senate passed resolutions Wednesday aimed at improving the way Board of Regents members are chosen and affirming the body’s support for President Wallace Loh’s retirement. The…

Gov Relations Office posts info how state election will affect University

That would of course be Oregon State University, where the well-informed and influential Jock Mills regularly posts updates, and even lets UO professors subscribe to them by email. Good luck getting anything this useful from the equivalent office at UO, though they did eventually respond to a public records request…

Are Josh Hunt’s claims about Knight and the Frohnmayer’s FARF false?

11/5/2018 second update: Lynn Frohnmayer: ‘University of Nike’ exploits my family’s tragedy to support a false narrative: To be clear, I think Frohnmayer was wrong to have UO join the WRC and I sent Knight a letter saying that at the time. To paraphrase Karl Marx, it’s capitalism and people…

Get Out the Vote

From the faculty union: GOTV Rally Today, Monday November 5 11:30-12:15 at the EMU amphitheater Event information: “Join us on November 5 for our Get Out the Vote Rally with Senator Ron Wyden, Senator Jeff Merkley, Congressman Peter DeFazio, and a special guest! With only one day before the election, there…