You’d think a grown man like Gleason would have better things to do with his time, but apparently not. Presumably this comes out of this alleged track and field violation. No word yet on how much UO paid its outside lawyers to handle this, but rumor has it that the…
UO Matters
Brad Moore has the report in the Emerald here: … The executive order forbids nationals from Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen from entering the U.S. According to Dennis Galvan, UO vice provost for International Affairs, there are approximately three to four dozen students at the UO…
Inside Higher Ed has the story here.
Henry Houston has the report in the Eugene Weekly: UO spent more than any other Pac-12 college team this year for its nonconference schedule — sometimes scornfully called “body-bag” games because of the mismatch between teams. Bowling Green received $900,000, Portland State received $500,000 and San José State received $1.6…
Michael Tobin has the report in the Emerald here: University of Oregon sees 8 percent student growth, largest Pathway Oregon class
WHO: The UO Faculty Club is open to all UO faculty—tenure-track faculty, non-tenure-track faculty, library faculty, and OAs tenured in an academic department, as well as people retired from positions in these categories. Eligible people may bring any guests they like. WHAT: Cash Bar with beer, wine, liquor and non-alcoholic…
DRAFT Location: EMU 145 & 146 (Crater Lake rooms) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. Call to Order Introductory Remarks; Senate President Bill Harbaugh Remarks; Senate Vice President Elizabeth Skowron Remarks; Provost Banavar Remarks; Bob Guldberg (Knight Campus) 3:40 P.M. Votes Approval of Minutes, May 23, 2018 & June 6, 2018 Summer 2018…
Finally! I for one have been disturbed by the fact that he hasn’t come up in this investigation earlier. Surely a successful recruiter and coach like Dana Altman has figured out a way to pass at least a dribble of the millions UO pays him on to his volunteer “student-athletes”.…
Dear University of Oregon community members, When I arrived at the University of Oregon in 2015, I heard the same clear and overwhelming message from virtually every constituency I met with: the university needed strong, decisive, and consistent leadership from Johnson Hall. The faculty, staff, and alumni, along with our…
Is that the Faculty Club will meet 5-8PM Wednesdays and Thursdays in the Art Museum, starting this Wednesday.
Apparently Dean Lindner thinks he can, and Provost Banavar is backing him up. I’m wondering how we can recruit new faculty if they know that their job can be moved from, say, Eugene to Portland without their consent. This does not seem well thought out. Fortunately for the sake of…
try UO physicist Raghu Parthasarathy’s Eighteenth Elephant blog here. A snippet: … Think small. Obviously, we should tackle areas that are important, but this in itself isn’t a sufficient criterion. If this adventure is going to have an impact, it needs to select areas in which relatively small-scale effort can pay off. What does…
General Membership Meeting The first General Membership Meeting of the academic year will be this Thursday, September 27, 5-7pm in Gerlinger Lounge. Avinnash Tiwari, our Politics Committee Chair, will talk through our endorsements, and specifically how they impact us as a University community. There are some tricky, and troubling, propositions he’ll summarize…
Dear University of Oregon community members, In October 2014, before my arrival on the UO campus, the university announced what was then an audacious goal of raising $2 billion to strengthen this institution in ways never before considered. It has been an honor to work alongside so many of you…
I was going to lay some snark on this, but the authoritative Scrabble Solver website says it’s a word: Respect. I shall comply.