Actually, this job seems to be about union bargaining, though potential applicants will have to wade through a lot of b.s. before they get to that part: HR Project Manager – Interim Apply now Job no: 522975 Work type: Officer of Administration Location: Eugene, OR Categories: Human Resources, Planning/Project Management Department: Human Resources Appointment Type and…
UO Matters
At $9.99, the spot market implies a somewhat lower value for whatever it is they bring to UO. Odd that their contracts don’t give them an incentive to bring in more revenue. I wonder who wrote those deals?
September 19, 2018 Dear University of Oregon faculty members, I am pleased to share with you some important information regarding the fiscal year 2019 salary increases for both represented and non-represented tenure-track faculty (TTF) and career non-tenure-track faculty (NTTF) at the University of Oregon. The fiscal year salary increases will…
Video here. A few years ago it would have seemed silly to restart this long-standing UO tradition, but that was before Brett Kavanaugh. So thanks to the Dean of Students for making it easy to add your name as out or an ally, with a quick online survey: The OUTList is a…
I’m no slave to metrics, but who are you going to believe? Professor Christine Blasey, who’s most cited work is the very useful sounding Sage book on “Statistical Power Analysis in Research“, with 1343 citations since 2015: With increased emphasis on helping readers understand the context in which power calculations are done,…
9/12/2018: I can think of many reasons why UO, a public university, would want to redact the advice it received from one of its outside attorneys (and the response from the University Architect) on whether or not it would be a good idea to split the CUP request into two…
Say what you will about Dave Hubin’s management of UO’s Public Records Office, but at least when Dave was in charge they only redacted responses: Under Kevin Reed, they’re now redacting the requests too. On Friday I submitted two requests: one for three recent contract proposals, the other for a…
Just kidding. I’m sure Coach Altman is 100% behind Colin Kaepernick’s use of free speech and athletics to bring attention to racism in America, now that the big money is too. Of course a few years ago Altman’s views were a little different. From the Oregonian:
I can’t imagine why Around the O hasn’t communicated anything about this board meeting. So I’ll update this post as the meetings progress. See below the break for the details.
Update 1: New financial overview info below.
Update 2: Board engages in its traditional 60 minute bashing of the state for underfunding us. This seems unlikely to be productive. See below for some live blogging:
The Trustees love the idea that UO can’t count on the state for funding. President Schill argues that it almost seems they want to hurt us. My question is why is UO so bad at gaming this system? Why do we keep antagonizing the Beaver alumni in the legislature with things like blowing our money on a Duck Baseball program? Why do we make things like state money for the IAAF championships a top lobbying priority?
Maybe their goal is to make sure that UO has to rely on private philanthropy?
Update 3, Friday AM: President Schill announces he will donate his expected $100K annual bonus to the UO, for scholarships for first-generation students, in honor of his mother who helped him get through college as a first-generation student. Good man. Good son!
Board of Trustees Meeting Agendas | September 5-7, 2018
All meetings Room 136, Naito Building, UO Portland. Livecast links will be posted here.
No, of course I’m not talking about President Schill’s decision to discipline Law Profressor Nancy Shurtz. Johnson Hall doesn’t make mistakes. I’m talking about Rutgers President Robert Barchi and a professor who tweeted something stupid and offensive about New York City real estate, near as I can figure. InsidehigherEd has the…
That would be New Mexico’s Attorney General. The Albuquerque Journal has the report here: ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — The state Attorney General’s Office dispatched special agents to the University of New Mexico Foundation headquarters Wednesday as part of a longstanding investigation initiated after revelations UNM used public funds for an overseas…
$700M Maybe $50m [see comments] on the Cover Oregon website, $200M on green energy tax credits, and now $5M on a sawmill scam, as the Oregonian’s Gordon Friedman reports today. Perhaps his reporting will help trigger a criminal investigation. Or perhaps the Oregon DOJ will keep looking the other way: ……
Obviously this story is not from the University of Oregon, where GC Kevin Reed’s policy is to charge reporters – even student reporters – for documents. Even documents he won’t release after the students have paid, and where VP for Communications Kyle Henley spends his communications budget on propaganda to…
That would be Provost Kimberly Espy, at UTSA. Last I heard there were still no results from UO’s pay equity study and no decision about what to do with the salary pool that is supposed to be allocated starting in January.
Around the O has the news here, with some other stuff about the upcoming UO Board of Trustees meetings which will be held in Portland Sept 6-8. UO faculty aren’t on contract until Sept 15th. Classes don’t start until Sept 24. But hey – there’s a home football game on…