9/7/2013 update: An OSU correspondent reminds us of a previous post comparing research reporting by UO and OSU, and notes that OSU’s research office does day long meetings with faculty, and even posts them online: 2011 2012 9/6/2013: Or maybe not. Sounds like she’s sending a substitute for this 2.5 hour…
Posts tagged as “Kimberly Espy”
8/5/2013 update: Word around the faculty club poker table is that Gottfredson has doubled down on his Espy bet. Should I call or raise?7/12/2013 update: Sorry, very sorry. Alabama has just announced the search failed, and they’re keeping their interim Provost on for another 18-24 months instead. Maybe Nebraska will take…
8/15/2013: Refreshingly open, transparent, and even updated in real-time: Oh wait, sorry, that’s for Oregon State. If you’re curious about research activity at UO, you’ll have to wade through a bunch of outdated pdf’s, here. Or you could make a public records request to UO for emails on our AAU…
3/30/2013. Comments welcome. Between 2008 and 2013: F and A (indirect) from grants increased from $14.7M to $17.2M, or 17%. The VP for Research Office admin salary budget increased from $450K to $1.14M, or 153%. ORSA’s salary budget increased from $787K to $1.7M or 116%. VP for Research Office administrative…
Synopsis: Most of the Senate meeting time was spent doing things the administration should have been doing, but hasn’t: Senate votes to do Interim Provost Jim Bean’s job for him one last time, and evaluate the performance of VPRI Kimberly Espy’s office. Report by May. Gottfredson approves of the measure,…
3/13/2013: From the Senate meeting, video soon. 3.5 Motion (Legislation): Senate-Administration Joint Review of the Office ofResearch & Innovation (RIGE); Bill Harbaugh, Professor (Economics) & UO Senator. Kyr: Supported by Pres Gottfredson. Harbaugh: “This committee could recommend to President Gottfredson that UO needs a new VP for Research.” Ed Kamenui: Chair…
3/21/2013: The faculty and students are drifting out of town. Now’s the time for JH to pull the crazy shit on us. Gottfredson’s response to the union raise proposal is due starting at 8AM in 122 Knight library. At 4:30 yesterday Bean called an emergency meeting of the ION PI’s,…
3/4/2013 update: NSF sends out “Dear Colleague” letter on funding for Obama’s new neuroscience initiatives.Update: Vote of no confidence in Espy can take place as soon as the 3/13 Senate Meeting. List of Senators is here. Not many scientists, I suggest talking those Senators you know in other departments. I…
Several people have now sent me copies of this, thanks. It was written after a multitude of complaints about how VP for Research Kimberly Espy was handling her job, and concern over the consequences for UO’s research mission and our efforts to stay in the AAU. The authors are 3…
Editor’s note: The research article below was recently received by our editorial office. After careful peer review and several rounds of revisions, I have accepted it for publication, and look forward to a press release about it soon in “Around the O”. Title: VP Kimberly Espy is the driving force behind…
The latest rumors, from the faculty club hookah room: UO is now on an unofficial AAU watch list for underperformance – not enough federal grants or grad students. Johnson Hall is going to try and hang our expulsion on the faculty, or the union, or the weather, but we all…
In the RG, here. 10/25/2012.
10/15/2012: Word down at the faculty club steam room is that the pressure on Interim Provost Bean to do something about his VPR, Kimberly Espy, is coming to a head. Expect nothing from Bean, who ignored faculty complaints about Frances Dyke, Charles Martinez, Russ Tomlin, and Don Harris for years.…
10/7/2012: Physics Prof Steve Hsu left UO this fall, to be VP for Research at MSU. Matthew Miller of the Lansing paper has a report. Not the usual generics, it deals in part with an email sent to MSU colleagues by UO Prof Daniel HoSang about Hsu’s views and research on…