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Posts tagged as “Public Records”

RG editors on higher ed secrecy

Published yesterday, 1/23/2013, here: Higher education officials should be less concerned with secrecy and more concerned with making certain the public has a full understanding of the dynamics that have contributed to the financial woes of Oregon’s universities and how hard it will be for them to meet the challenges that…

12/12/12 update: County DA calls Geller to the office to explain his redactions

12/12/12 update: Lane County Chief Deputy DA Patricia Perlow has asked for a two week extension to respond to my petition on Geller’s redactions, which I’ve said yes to: From: PERLOW Patty Subject: RE: PR Petition for documents on UO General Counsel response to PR requestDate: December 12, 2012 10:33:16…

Hubin doesn’t appoint Grier to head public records committee

President Gottfredson has passed the public records buck to Dave Hubin, who has passed it to a committee. It’s a mixed bag of appointees, mostly administrators, ranging from apathetic to obviously conflicted to excellent. None have recent experience making public records requests to UO. Their charge – or at least the…