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Posts tagged as “UO Foundation”

Senate Budget Committee demands greater accountability from UO Foundation

That was in  2010, from their report to the Senate on the proposal to give UO an independent board: 3) Transparency and accountability. If the UO achieves a new degree of autonomy from the OUS and the Oregon Legislature, we are concerned that the UO be held to high…

UO Foundation claims defamation and demands retraction from UO Matters

11/12/13: I recently received the “demand for retraction” below, from Thomas Herrmann, legal counsel to the UO Foundation, presumably writing on instruction from the Foundation’s Chairman Jon Anderson, a former marathon runner with longtime Nike connections, and the Foundation’s 2013 Chair-elect and committed athletics booster Stephen Holwerda. A bio-piece on Mr Holwerda…

The imbalance between Duck sports and UO academics, in the RG, Oregonian, and EW

8/30/2013: Op-Ed in the RG today: … Our public university was built by Oregonians, and for more than 135 years it has carried out its mission to serve the students and the state of Oregon.  In recent decades, inadequate investment in the activities, resources and personnel that constitute and define…

75% of this year’s donations to UO went to athletics. Endowment earnings are below benchmarks

8/19/2013 update: “Around the O” reports UO raised $200M this FY in donations. It’s difficult to tell from the press release, and as explained below UO Foundation CEO Paul Weinhold has refused to release breakdowns, but it appears that about 57% of the donations to the Foundation went to the jocks.…

UO Foundation executive pay

5/15/2012: The IRS makes non-profits submit “990” forms annually, to show what public good they’ve been doing with that money they are not paying taxes on. The OSU Foundation turned in theirs 6 months ago. CEO J. Michael Goodwin pulled down $414,792 in total compensation. The top 5 employees take…

sex, money, and secrecy

11/21/2011: I’d always wondered why reporters were spending so much time on the child rape coverup and so little time on the money that Joe Paterno and his crew were raking in. It turns out this was because Penn State had secured an exemption to the Pennsylvania public records law,…