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Posts published by “uomatters”

Duck PR flack Tobin Klinger exercises free-speech right to praise his employer

The Daily Emerald has the latest on the administration’s removal of the Divest UO banner, from reporter Max Thornberry here: … [UO Strategic Communicator Tobin Klinger], on the other hand, praised the university for creating an environment that fosters discussion and debate about the issues of the day. “It comes down…

Ed Ray and “institutional courage”, Mike Gottfredson and “institutional betrayal”

Tyler Kinkgade of the Huffington has a new report that compares what Gottfredson did when faced with Jane Doe’s allegation that she’d been gang-raped by three of Dana Altman’s basketball players, with the inspiring response from OSU President Ed Ray to Brenda Tracy after he learned 2014 about her gang rape by OSU football…

Library Dean Adriene Lim announces collections cuts

MEMORANDUM Date:   April 6, 2016 To:   All UO Colleges, Schools, and Departments From:  Adriene Lim, Dean of Libraries Subject:  Collections Reduction Review, 2016-2017 The UO Libraries must prepare for cuts to our collections budget of approximately $565,000 in FY 2016/2017. This figure represents an actual cut of $115,000 in our…

Senate meets Wed 3-5PM to weaken godless ethics policy, regulate faculty inputs to online classes, and then listen to our students if time permits

Senate Meeting – April 6, 2016. Browsing Room, Knight Library; 3:00-5:00 pm. 2015-2016, Agendas,  Watch Live. Synopsis: Ethics passed eventually. Online input policy passed. At the last minute VP for Student Life Robin Holmes bailed on the student-led discussion of the Mandatory Live-In Policy non-policy, probably preventing any substantive discussion before it goes into…

Past UO Senate President & composer Rob Kyr honored for music

No one who watched Kyr orchestrate the Faculty Assembly meetings during the Lariviere firing, or the cathartic Senate meetings during the basketball rape allegation cover-up, should be surprised to learn that he’s a famous composer. Around the O has the announcement here: Arts and Letters Awards in Music Four composers will each receive a $10,000 Arts…

UO Board to give up some control of Duck athletics

Back in 1987 the OUS Board established several policies establishing their control over intercollegiate athletics. These became UO policies in 2014. Tomorrow at 10AM in the JH Conference room, UO Board of Trustees Secretary Angela Wilhelms is going to try and persuade the Policy Advisory Committee to recommend that two of the three policies…

Independent boards fail to deliver, so universities ask state for $100M

The tit-for-tat from the Duck boosters who wanted the state to give them a Board they could control was their promise that private donations would soar. They haven’t – except of course for sports facilities like the Mariota worship center, the new softball egofice, and the Hayward Field tart-up. The state, on the other hand, has…

PSU wants its own tax, Duck kazoos annoy Salem, & is UO Board Starving the Beast?

Here’s Andrew Theen in the Oregonian on PSU’s efforts to tax Metro payrolls. The PSU Foundation has donated $100K to lobby for the ballot initiative: Supporters are proposing a payroll tax of one-tenth of one percent on wages paid by Portland metro business owners. If approved, the tax would produce up…

President Schill to hold Campus Conversation on UO realignment

April 12, 3PM in the Paul Olum Atrium in Willamette Hall. From Around the O:

UO President Michael Schill is inviting the University of Oregon community to participate in a campus conversation focused on the university’s strategic objectives and priorities. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12, at 3 p.m. in the Paul Olum Atrium in Willamette Hall.

Schill will talk about the priorities and strategies needed to help the UO secure its place among the pre-eminent public research universities in the United States. His presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

UO paying tenured full professor $327K to teach zero classes

Note: This deal was done before President Schill arrived. The blame should go to Coltrane, or whichever of UO’s many other recent presidents or interims put this in de Kluyver’s contract and gave him raises while UO’s business school slowly sank and then disappeared from the US News rankings. UO Management Professor Cornelis “Kees”…