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Posts published by “uomatters”

More good news for UO

6/3/2014: Bruce Blonigen (Economics) appointed Associate Dean for Social Sciences: MEMORANDUM TO: College of Arts and Sciences Faculty & Staff FROM: W. Andrew Marcus, Interim Dean SUBJECT: Associate Dean of the Social Sciences Based on the advice of a committee of distinguished senior faculty and others, I am pleased to…

OSU #75, UO dead last on new list of top 80 US research universities

Betsy Hammond in the Oregonian, here. The report, here, paints the Association of American Universities (Bob Berdahl, former President) as an outdated old boys club, and calls for a “New AAU”. Dave Frohnmayer, UO President from 1995 to 2009 and now a noted tobacco company attorney, blames UO’s decline over…

Live-blog lite: UO Trustees finance committee to meet Tu, 9AM, Room 403 Alumni Center

Packed agenda here. Board of Trustees of the University of Oregon Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting June 3, 2014 Tuesday, June 3, 2014 – Public Meeting – Ford Alumni Center, Room 403 9:00am 1.0 Convene  Call to Order and Welcome  Roll Call Looks like a full house, about…

The life of a college basketball recruit, and the coaches cashing in on him.

6/1/2014 update: The Chronicle of Higher Ed has a fascinating story, here:

MARVIN CLARK JR. was sold. Fresh off a recruiting visit to the University of Oregon two years ago, he was convinced he wanted to play there.

He loved the Ducks’ fast-paced offense, the team needed a player at his position, and one of his youth coaches had played for an Oregon assistant. That was the type of edge that could help in a battle for playing time.

The campus wowed him. Everywhere he looked, he saw the Nike swoosh. The company’s co-founder, a big Oregon donor, had helped finance some of the nicest facilities in the country. For a kid who had spent time in homeless shelters, it seemed like nirvana.

A year ago, Mr. Clark made it official, committing to the Pac-12 program over more than a dozen other suitors. Around the same time, he had surgery to repair a fractured foot, forcing him to miss several months on the court. A fractured foot, surgically repaired with a screw, set Mr. Clark’s plans back a year ago.

He was prepared to graduate from high school last year, but Oregon’s coaches had encouraged him to spend a year at a prep school. The week he returned to the court, two Oregon coaches visited him there. It was his first game back, and it showed. After the game, he says, the coaches started to walk out of the gym without offering a word.

That night Mr. Clark hardly slept, fearing that he had lost his scholarship. The next day he called one of his coaches, who had been in touch with Oregon. Mr. Clark’s instincts were right—Oregon had moved on. …

5/12/2014: Did Lorraine Davis vet Brandon Austin?

Trustees post new delegation of authority policy, invite Berdahl to lunch

5/30/2014 update: Rumors prove false. The Trustees have now posted the June 12-13 meeting material, here. The delegation revisions start at page 55. At first glance this new draft seems to have addressed at least some of the Senate’s problems with Geller’s initial secret policy, but expect further review by the Senate’s ad hoc committee, chaired by President Rob Kyr (Music).

In other news, the board will host a public roundtable lunch discussion with former Interim UO President Bob Berdahl on Thursday, June 12. Berdahl’s brief presidency (and the hiring of Sharon Rudnick) was instrumental in persuading the UO faculty, including me, that a faculty union was needed to counterbalance the bat-shit craziness in Johnson Hall. As it has proved to be.

Among Berdahl’s last acts at UO were giving Jim Bean and Randy Geller three-year contract extensions, the dismantling of President Lariviere’s transparency initiative, and big raises for Rob Mullens and his coaches.

Highlights of his earlier career as UC-Berkeley President include committing the university to an unaffordable football stadium, quickly followed by a lucrative golden parachute buyout. Given the current situation with Mike Gottfredson and our Trustees, it is clear Berdahl’s expertise on buyouts will be invaluable.

5/30/2014 update: Gottfredson hiding new draft of “Delegation of Board Authority” policy from faculty?

Gottfredson pads resume with credit for Academic Freedom, after getting Tim Gleason and Randy Geller to fight it for 18 months

He has no sense of shame. He is trying to claim credit for what was accomplished by 18 months of hard work by the Senate and the United Academics faculty union, over his determined opposition: The policy as approved by the Senate April 9th is here. Notable points? Members of…

Gottfredson doesn’t show for UO Trustees Meeting

Let’s hope this is the beginning of the end.

5/29/2014: UO Trustees Academic Affairs committee to meet today

Notice: The UO Trustee’s committees will meet On May 29 and June 3, and the full board will meet June 12-13. Info here. Today’s meeting:

12:30 PM, Thursday, May 29, 2014 – Public Meeting – HEDCO Education Building, Room 230T

1.0 Convene
• Call to Order and Welcome (Mary Wilcox)
• Roll Call

Present: Coltrane, Holmes, Geller(!), Thompson, K Willcox, Ford, Shelton, Chapa, Altmann. On the phone: M Willcox, Dotters-Katz, Lillis. No Curry, no Blandy. About 15 in the audience.

President Gottfredson is missing. Odd, it’s on his schedule.

Live-blog – Senate to meet at 3PM today on wreckage of Gottfredson’s presidency

5/28/2014, 3PM-?PM, 115 Lawrence. The agenda is here. Live video will be here. I’ll try to live blog a little, inserting comments into the agenda below. But first, Gottfredson will speak. Here’s hoping he’ll just announce his resignation and let us get on with the work of running our university. On the…