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Posts published by “uomatters”

Coach Lananna orders Duck cops to bust tifoso for Hayward free speech lap

Which they did. The Eugene Weekly has the report here: On Friday, June 8, local videographer Tim Lewis ran onto Hayward’s track during the meet, wearing a T-shirt that said “Save Hayward” and holding up another that said “Pre Lives For Now.” …  Lewis was arrested on the misdemeanor charges…

Pres Schill on 17-18 events

Emailed to campus 6/13/2018: Dear University of Oregon community members, As we close out the 2017-18 academic year, I offer my warm congratulations to all of our graduates. I also want to thank everyone—faculty, advisors, graduate instructors and researchers, and staff—who helped our graduates reach the finish line. I look…

Senate votes unanimously for Elizabeth Skowron as VP/President elect

6/5/218: Senate meets today in REDWOOD room for curriculum vote, awards DRAFT Location: EMU 214 (Redwood Auditorium) 3:00 – 5:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M.   Call to Order Introductory Remarks; Senate Vice President Bill Harbaugh Update from Johnson Hall 3:30 P.M. Approval of Minutes, May 23, 2018 3:35 P.M.   Business Spring 2018…

CAS Dean Andrew Marcus gets creative about how Stabile got “imagineer” job

6/4/2018 update: Reporter Casey Crowley has the story in the Emerald, here: The ADSI will be part of the dean’s leadership team and will be tasked with developing, planning and implementing new strategic initiatives for the CAS. Stabile will not have permanent oversight of staff or budgets decisions. “She will;…

City gives OK for demolishing soon to be former Historic Hayward Field

Update: As of Friday. Only Hayduke can stop the bulldozers now. It’s public property, but there’s no process for input from anyone but the UO President and the donor. Update: Can Historic Hayward Field supporters convince Uncle Phil to call off the bulldozers? Austin Meek has many new details in the…

Hayward Field teardown public info meeting Th May 31st at 7PM, Agate Hall

UO will permanently close 15th, build plaza for Slusher’s Schlong. The RG has the story here, With the usual PR flack BS: Closing East 15th Avenue would result in the loss of 115 parking spaces used by students, employees and visitors, said UO spokeswoman Molly Blancett. “Based on our most…