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Posts published by “UO Matters”

“GEs at UO would earn more than the average minimum take-home pay rate of public AAU institutions …”

I *think* that’s Johnson Hall trying to claim that they’ve made a generous offer to the GE’s, though that’s hardly the only way to parse it. From Interim Provost Karen Ford’s email about the GTFF strike, which is scheduled for Jan 17: Dear UO faculty member,   The University of…

Good news for bad UO administrators and local pols!

Bad news for good government. The Eugene Weekly has been hit by an embezzler, and will have to drastically scale back operations: …Shortly before Christmas, we discovered that EW had been the victim of embezzlement at the hands of someone we once trusted. We are still counting up the damage, but…

State gives $800M for raises & engineering in exchange for university freezing diversity positions

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: In a deal months in the making, the University of Wisconsin System has agreed to “reimagine” its diversity efforts, restructuring dozens of staff into positions serving all students and freezing the total number of diversity positions for the next three years. In exchange, universities would…

Pres Scholz responds to GE’s credible strike threat with offer to match AAU average for minimum starting pay.

Dear colleagues,  Recognizing the impact that negotiations with the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF) has on faculty, we want to keep you updated on developments in the bargaining process. The bargaining teams met yesterday in mediation and will meet again on November 20, 2023. Reaching agreement on GE salary is…

Grad Student union members vote 97% for strike authorization

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, November 6, 2023 Contact: Rosa Inocencio Smith, GTFF VP of Communications; (503) 505-1444; [email protected] ### UO Graduate Employees Cast Overwhelming Vote for Strike Authorization EUGENE: With a 97 percent vote in favor of strike authorization, members of the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation (GTFF-AFT Local 3544) have…

Prez Scholz announces a new vision plan with the same old buzz words

Good news update: After googling around and getting some inside info from a helpful JH administrator, I think UO Onward is a worthwhile sounding effort by Development (no consultants) to engage with alumni and donors about something other than Duck sports, with a thin veneer of faculty participation to make…

Secretive Academic Council brings Academic Continuity Plan for GTFF strike to Senate

The Academic Council hasn’t posted any meeting information on their Senate website since January 2021, but they’re bringing their full-blown strike plan to the Senate today. They haven’t posted a link to the plan on the Senate agenda either. Your Senators have seen it, but have been told not to…