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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Senate calls for nominations for next President by 3/4, vote on 3/12.

Dear Senators and members of the UO Community, The University Senate will be holding elections for Senate Vice President / President-Elect at its upcoming meeting on Wednesday, March 12th from 3:00 – 5:00 pm. We welcome all nominations for the this important office, including self nominations. The Senate Bylaws define…

Central administration reserves grow, while Shelton starves CAS

2/21/2014 update: Speaking of bloat, here’s a nice benefit for money-losing UO basketball coach Dana Altman, to top off his $1.8M salary, bonuses, and “opportunities to earn outside income”:

During the Term of this Agreement while Altman is head men’s basketball coach, and upon presentation of proper receipts, Altman will be eligible to receive up to twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per year to reimburse him for travel expenses incurred by his relatives and friends to attend University athletic events or for the purpose of visiting Altman.

Latest contract here:

2/20/2014 update:The news from CAS is all about how Brad Shelton’s budget model is going to hold back still more tuition for UO’s central administrators to play with next year. Meanwhile, UO’s latest report to OUS shows that UO’s reserve funds are steadily increasing, by about $12M in just one year according to the forecast. This is after payment of the first round of union raises. The next round starts July 1, and will cost ~$8M, while tuition increases and new state funding will bring in about $18M in new money. So expect further increases in reserves, and more of the same BS from the administrators about “the well is dry”.

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2/18/2014: VPFA Jamie Moffitt’s transparent reports reveal administrative bloat

Budget VP Brad Shelton is now hiding his Budget Model reports behind a password wall, presumably in response to me outing Doug Blandy’s $1M AAD 250-252 student credit hour heist. Reminds me of back when Frances Dyke was VPFA and took the excel spreadsheet explaining the accounting codes off her website, claiming it wasn’t a public record.

But new VPFA Jamie Moffitt has put that file back up, along with a plethora of simple summaries showing where Johnson Hall is spending UO’s money, and plenty more detailed spreadsheets. An admirable improvement from the obfuscation we got from her during union bargaining, presumably under orders from Randy Geller. Here are some highlights.

Duck football team > Reed College math nerds at dynamic programming calcs

Those “special admit” athletes that Helfrich and Altman bring to campus to pay their salaries may be dragging down UO’s SAT scores (~420), but they could sure teach those math nerds at Reed College (~720) a few things about pummeling the faculty with snow. As this RG report explains, two…

Coltrane gets promoted to UO Provost job, search for CAS Dean to begin.

Coltrane is scheduled for a public meeting about the academic plan at 8:30 AM, Friday 2/14, Gehrlinger. From: “President Michael Gottfredson” Subject: Senior vice president and provost announcement Date: February 13, 2014 at 1:27:21 PM PST Reply-To: [email protected] Dear Campus Community, I am pleased to announce that our colleague Scott…

Ducks gets $6M increase in ESPN money, but $0 from PAC-12 network

So guess which money pile President Gottfredson proposes to use to offset UO’s athletic subsidies? From reporter Ken Goe in the Oregonian, here: Guess how much money Oregon and Oregon State made from the Pac-12 Networks last year. The answer is … none, as in zero. Zilch. Oregon isn’t projecting any revenue…

Administration ramps up pressure on Senate to continue athletic subsidies

I’m guessing there are a lot more emails like this going around, please forward them. My response to Kees is below: From: [Business school Dean] Kees de Kluyver Sent: Monday, February 10, 2014 11:09 AM To: LCB Faculty; LCB Staff; LCB OA’s Cc: Scott Coltrane Subject: Important matters on agenda…

UO hires Bruce McAllister as Ombud, from Los Alamos

From: “President’s Office” <[email protected]> Subject: Bruce MacAllister to join UO as university ombudsperson Date: February 10, 2014 at 2:55:26 PM PST Reply-To: [email protected] Dear Campus Community, I am pleased to announce that Bruce MacAllister will join the University of Oregon as university ombudsperson. MacAllister comes to the university from Santa…