That would be at UNC, part of what will likely be a long series of revelations: On three occasions, the records show two athlete support program counselors offered football tickets and food to Nyang’oro and his family. In one, Reynolds told Nyang’oro he would be “guest coaching,” which meant that…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
US News has come with a new ranking scheme, and we’re #17. Betsy Hammond has a slightly skeptical report in the Oregonian. And sure enough, if you go to US News you get their definition of efficient: U.S. News has analyzed efficiency for a second time as both public and…
From a paper presented at the American Economic Association meetings last week: Comparing four cohorts of economics Ph.D.s by year graduated (from 1997 through 2011), the study found that while a majority of those who are employed as economists still enter academe, that share is going down. And while salaries…
That was in 2010, from their report to the Senate on the proposal to give UO an independent board: 3) Transparency and accountability. If the UO achieves a new degree of autonomy from the OUS and the Oregon Legislature, we are concerned that the UO be held to high…
Job ad here. No word on whether or not Gottfredson and Coltrane will give the retiring Deb Carver, currently paid $191K, a Tim Gleasonesque or Jim Beanesque golden parachute deal.
It looks like the OUS Board is finally going to decide what to do with Tree Tops. By condemn they mean seize it under eminent domain, and presumably pay the heirs the market value, which according to Zillow is $1.4M. The full docket for the board’s 1/10/2013 meeting, which includes…
That was at UNC. What about UO? The NYT has the UNC story: One of dozens of courses in the department that officials say were taught incompletely or not at all, AFAM 280 is the focus of a criminal indictment against Mr. Nyang’oro that was issued last month. Eighteen of…
"Around the O" spam costs ~$107,000. Gottfredson’s calendar costs $103. 12/31/2013: UO Matters more popular than Around the O for 2013 Here’s a little hint for former UO Journalism Dean Tim Gleason, now getting $218,524 a year to advise UO on “academic messaging”. While UO’s official “Around the O” blog…
The RG names names. The NYT provides background. In other economic news, the Oregon DOJ has decided to crack down on vital supplies for Oregon’s thriving blogging and computer programming startups.
Matthew Kish of the Portland Business Journal has posted the contracts between big-time college sports departments and their apparel suppliers. The Ducks get $600K cash (all of which seems to go to the coaches), $2.2M for apparel and team equipment (works out to $5000 per player), and a $185K “discretionary…
The Boston Globe reports on the wake, here. That would be Northeastern University, the 2010 story also reports on other universities that have done the same.
Bennett Hall has an excellent story in the Corvallis Gazette Times: Oregon State University student media adviser Kate Willson thought she was just doing her job when she filed a public records request with the university. Now she’s worried it could get her fired. OSU’s chief spokesman says Willson’s job…
In the Atlantic magazine, here. Con rispetto, Don Corleone also deserves a cite: