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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Ducks celebrate MLK day with fake search for new bald white coach

1/20/2013. Mullens will announce the hire today. The RG editors called for UO to follow state law: Turns out that promoting Helfrich without interviewing a qualified minority candidate — or at least making a good-faith attempt to find such a candidate — would violate Oregon law. Three years ago, the Oregon Legislature…

IRS helps adjuncts?

From the Chronicle: The agency’s newly proposed rules took note of the [AFT’s] explanation of how, typically, an instructor works at least three hours a week for every credit hour taught. By that formula, an adjunct who teaches four three-credit classes would be considered full time under the new legislation.…

AAU, Bean, Espy rumors

The latest rumors, from the faculty club hookah room: UO is now on an unofficial AAU watch list for underperformance – not enough federal grants or grad students. Johnson Hall is going to try and hang our expulsion on the faculty, or the union, or the weather, but we all…

Coach sues NCAA for libel over infractions report. O’Fallon to sue UO Matters next?

12/4/2012: It takes a heavy hand to enforce the NCAA’s rules against letting college football players get any of the fruits of their labor. UO’s Faculty Athletics Representative Jim O’Fallon sits on the NCAA Infractions Committee that wields the lash – and he was lucky he recused himself from this particular case. The…