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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Comments and Disqus

I’m trying a new system for comments, called Disqus, you’ve probably seen it on other blogs. It works now, but the last 2 days of comments are being transferred, and may not show up for a day or so. To comment you should create a free, anonymous Disqus account. It…

Updated with Senate debate: Senate vote for investigation of Espy’s office

3/13/2013: From the Senate meeting, video soon. 3.5 Motion (Legislation): Senate-Administration Joint Review of the Office ofResearch & Innovation (RIGE); Bill Harbaugh, Professor (Economics) & UO Senator. Kyr: Supported by Pres Gottfredson. Harbaugh: “This committee could recommend to President Gottfredson that UO needs a new VP for Research.” Ed Kamenui: Chair…

How did Sharon Rudnick end up across the table from the UO Faculty?

12/14/12: And what’s it costing us? Long story. The short version, with my opinion? The UO administration’s current lead negotiator, Sharon Rudnick, (from Dave Frohnmayer’s firm, HLGR) was originally hired by Interim UO President Bob Berdahl to fight faculty unionization.(That’s my opinion – under state law UO has to officially…

Brian Henley leaves UO

3/5/2013: Brian has been UO’s undergraduate admissions director for as long as I’ve been following these things. Organized, personable, gives great talks to the parents and prospective students, supported SAIL from the start, and respects and knows how to use data. One of the many midlevel administrators who kept UO…