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Posts published in “Uncategorized”
From the AAUO website, 3/14/2013: The faculty bargaining team wants to let you know that they are working hard on a response to the University Administration’s raise proposal. Although the University Administration originally gave us the deadline of March 12 to respond, we have been able to work with them…
The Ellsberg Paradox is an early and important anomaly involving risky decisions. It was an inspiration for what’s now known as behavioral economics. I taught it for years before I learned that the author was the same Daniel Ellsberg who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the NYT in 1971. It…
3/21/2013: The faculty and students are drifting out of town. Now’s the time for JH to pull the crazy shit on us. Gottfredson’s response to the union raise proposal is due starting at 8AM in 122 Knight library. At 4:30 yesterday Bean called an emergency meeting of the ION PI’s,…
3/13/2013: From the Senate meeting, video soon. 3.5 Motion (Legislation): Senate-Administration Joint Review of the Office ofResearch & Innovation (RIGE); Bill Harbaugh, Professor (Economics) & UO Senator. Kyr: Supported by Pres Gottfredson. Harbaugh: “This committee could recommend to President Gottfredson that UO needs a new VP for Research.” Ed Kamenui: Chair…
Synopsis: Most of the Senate meeting time was spent doing things the administration should have been doing, but hasn’t: Senate votes to do Interim Provost Jim Bean’s job for him one last time, and evaluate the performance of VPRI Kimberly Espy’s office. Report by May. Gottfredson approves of the measure,…
This is from the “Financial Transparency Tool” which you can access through duckweb, off the employee tab. If you drill down you’ll see that this growth over the past 5 years for “University Relations” – which amounts to $4 million a year in recurring costs over the 2008 level –…
That’s an argument UO’s SAIL program has been making for 7 years now. The NYT reports it is gaining traction, because racial preferences have reduced SES diversity at elite colleges: In fact, race plays a role unlike almost any other factor. An African-American student with a similar application to a…
It seems possible. Now that’s muckraking. 3/9/13.
12/14/12: And what’s it costing us? Long story. The short version, with my opinion? The UO administration’s current lead negotiator, Sharon Rudnick, (from Dave Frohnmayer’s firm, HLGR) was originally hired by Interim UO President Bob Berdahl to fight faculty unionization.(That’s my opinion – under state law UO has to officially…
3/5/2013: Brian has been UO’s undergraduate admissions director for as long as I’ve been following these things. Organized, personable, gives great talks to the parents and prospective students, supported SAIL from the start, and respects and knows how to use data. One of the many midlevel administrators who kept UO…
3/5/2012: Should be good, more here: Eagleman asks, “If the conscious mind—the part you consider you—accounts for only a fraction of the brain’s function, what is all the rest doing?” Eagleman has spent years researching this question, and has uncovered some startling new answers. He will show how our behavior,…
3/4/2013 update: NSF sends out “Dear Colleague” letter on funding for Obama’s new neuroscience initiatives.Update: Vote of no confidence in Espy can take place as soon as the 3/13 Senate Meeting. List of Senators is here. Not many scientists, I suggest talking those Senators you know in other departments. I…
Several people have now sent me copies of this, thanks. It was written after a multitude of complaints about how VP for Research Kimberly Espy was handling her job, and concern over the consequences for UO’s research mission and our efforts to stay in the AAU. The authors are 3…
Does anyone know what happened to Assistant General Counsel Paul Kaufmann? He used to be listed on the GC website, right above Randy’s General Counsel Emeritus (sic) Melinda Grier. (Geller’s apology letter to former hack job AG John Kroger and the Honorable Judge David Leith is here.) Now he’s gone.…