Not even the networks. As reported in the Washington Post, here: … “A lot of the coverage of the cancellations focuses on the revenue lost. But that’s a mistake,” said Neal Pilson, who served as president of CBS Sports for much of the 1980s and ’90s. “What it’s really about…
Posts published in “Uncategorized”
(Except a few lab and performance classes). That’s the rumor down at the faculty club. Apparently the dorms will stay open. Here’s hoping JH’s well-paid strategic communicators have the good sense not to blame this on our students. Or the faculty. Or the staff. Or the unions. On Thursday, the… Most universities have a strong Institutional Research department that produces unbiased, data-based reports on basic issues like budgeting, enrollment, student/employee satisfaction, ROI and efficiency stuff. The IR Director is in the room for every important decision. For various reasons, UO’s IR office does not do these things. This means…
Details in the Weekly here.
So far as I can tell this is a new job. [See comments. It wasn’t on the CAS leadership page when I looked.] The Deans have been complaining about Henley for years, apparently it’s now so bad that CAS needs to hire a Director of Communications to communicate with JH’s…
Update: I switched themes which fixed the comments but broke some other things. Update: I haven’t had much time to fix the comments yet. Will get to it as soon as I get the Caballero steering working. I got it all back together but did something wrong with the ignition…
InsideHigherEd, here: Aug. 17, 4:05 p.m. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has announced that all of its undergraduate instruction will be remote, effective Aug. 19 — nine days after the university held its first in-person classes for the fall term. The university cited a “spate of COVID-19 infection clusters” in making the…
Thanks to a reader for the link to the survey results. Surprisingly few faculty mentioned wage cuts as an example of a helpful Admin response. Response email from Provost: Dear Colleagues,It is our sincere hope that you and your respective families are experiencing some of the respite that summer…
John Canzano with a slow-pitch interview in the Oregonian, here.
More accurately he wants me to watch a brief campaign ad before HorsepowerTube will explain the many steps needed to dismantle the steering column and tighten up the Torx bolts that GM inexplicably failed to use Loctite on, back in the day. Seems like a fair trade. Thanks Joe.
From the Provost: Dear Colleagues, I am excited to announce that I have selected Clark Honors College Dean Gabe Paquette to be the next vice provost for academic affairs. Gabe joins the Office of the Provost team where he will help us in strengthening the academic mission…
From United Academics, Johnson Hall’s new creditors. Full text here. Dear Colleague, We are pleased to inform you that the membership has ratified the Memorandum of Understanding to restore Career faculty FTE, institute a payroll reduction plan, and allow faculty to resubmit requests for promotion by a vote of 461…
OPB has the news here: Oregon State University announced Tuesday that it will move most fall classes online. President F. King Alexander wrote in a letter to faculty and staff that more than 90% of courses will be offered remotely to “limit the density of activity on-campus and help minimize…
8/11/2020 update: UO still hasn’t responded to the July 2nd request from Bloomberg News, but they’ve finally told the Oregonian this: “UO also said it “does not possess documents” regarding the number of positive COVID-19 test results for football players, coaches or team support staff, but that if they did,…