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UO Matters

Union Exec Council

11/23/2013: The official announcement is on the UAUO website. No Executive Council positions were contested, so the names below will constitute the Exec Council until the next election, in May 2015. Elections will be in May of odd years, see the UAUO constitution and by-laws for the mind-numbingly democratic details.…

Friday night rumor report

Updated in real-time, as reports from the faculty parties roll in: 11/22/2013, 10:28 PM: University to axe economics, keep heavily subsidized athletics department.11/22/2013, 5:23 PM: Brad Shelton is forming a secretive “Central Budgeting Committee” to provide a facade of faculty input into UO’s spending priorities and the 3.0 release of UO’s…

Gottfredson hires more branders

11/21/2013: Our President’s reaction to the grim benchmarking report from Coltrane: Title: Sr. Director, Marketing Communications Salary Range:  $100,000 – 120,000 Review Date:  Search will remain open until filled.  Search committee will begin reviewing applications December 20, 2013Start Date:  As soon as possibleGeneral Responsibilities:The University of Oregon seeks applications for…

Legislature and UO Trustees

11/20/2013: Hannah Hoffman of the Statesman Journal has a report on the latest goings on with the legislature and the UO Board of Trustees appointments, here. For more perspective, read Mrs. Gerlinger’s prescient 1939 letter, here.11/15/2013: OUS Board celebrates “Remember the Hat” day They’re a little early this year, and boy…

President backs faculty concerns about governance, transparency

11/19/2013: That would be SJSU President Mohammad Qayoumi, asking for guidance from the CA State Chancellor’s office. reports from their Senate: “A series of conflicts over the last year has highlighted issues related to communication and transparency, has opened serious rifts in our shared sense of community, and has contributed…

UO Foundation claims defamation and demands retraction from UO Matters

11/12/13: I recently received the “demand for retraction” below, from Thomas Herrmann, legal counsel to the UO Foundation, presumably writing on instruction from the Foundation’s Chairman Jon Anderson, a former marathon runner with longtime Nike connections, and the Foundation’s 2013 Chair-elect and committed athletics booster Stephen Holwerda. A bio-piece on Mr Holwerda…