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UO Matters

College matters

In the NYT, here. Those economists can argue about correlation/causation and the diff-in-diff. But I’ll just point out that the NYT doesn’t even bother to report the data for HS dropouts. Which would be an astonishing 40% of the students in the Springfield, Oregon school district, just three miles from UO. You can…

Update: Bargaining session III, 1/8/13 live-blog

1/9/13 Update:  Subject: counterproposalsDate: January 9, 2013 9:16:03 AM PSTTo: Tim Gleason , Doug Blandy Hi Tim and Doug, can you send me a copy of the administrative counter proposals? I’d like to add them to the info at so that people can make comments.  I’ll post their response.…

Bean rumor

Internet chatter has it he’s a finalist for the president’s job at a midwestern engineering college. Div III, so it seems like a good outcome for all concerned. 1/7/13.

Diversity updates 1/5/2013

RG editors call for UO to follow state law on search for new football coach: Turns out that promoting Helfrich without interviewing a qualified minority candidate — or at least making a good-faith attempt to find such a candidate — would violate Oregon law.  Three years ago, the Oregon Legislature…

Chinese have better civil rights than Duck athletes

From the official organ of the Communist Party of China:  BEIJING, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) — Former NBA player Marcus Williams has been tested positive for marijuana to record the first doping case in China’s professional basketball league, the national basketball governing body announced on Monday.Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) said in…

AAU, Bean, Espy rumors

The latest rumors, from the faculty club hookah room: UO is now on an unofficial AAU watch list for underperformance – not enough federal grants or grad students. Johnson Hall is going to try and hang our expulsion on the faculty, or the union, or the weather, but we all…