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UO Matters

Outsider Presidents

5/14/2012: From Mary Carmichael in the Boston Globe: A growing number of colleges seem to share his faith in the value of outsider presidents, PhD or no PhD. Twenty percent of college presidents in the United States now come from fields outside academia, a sharp increase from 13 percent just…

Keep Ken DeBevoise

5/14/2012: I thought the appointment for career NTTF Poli-Sci professor Ken DeBevoise had been resolved 18 months ago. But apparently not. Ken has some extraordinarily high achieving and devoted students, check the Keep Ken Coalition page here.

Ali Bongo seeks new butler

5/13/2012: The latest from UO’s “Twin Eden”, Gabon: From the Scottish Sun: Rich man, poor nation Poverty-stricken Gabon’s head of state Ali Bongo has asked a Glasgow recruitment agency to find him a live-in manservant for the mansion he shares with his wife. …PRESIDENT Ali Bongo is among the world’s…

What the hell happened?

5/9/2012: Here’s the agenda for today’s Senate meeting, 3PM in the Knight Library. With Bob Berdahl we thought we were hiring a caretaker who’d lend a little gravitas to the search for Larivere’s replacement, keep Pernsteiner at bay, and maybe clean up a few of JH’s more obvious problems. I…