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UO Matters

May 9 2012 Senate meeting notes

Update: Archived video of the meeting is now available, here. It cuts off before the public records debate, meaning we have no public record of Hubin and Berdahl’s rationale for subverting UO’s public records process. Peter Keyes’s clear presentation about the union is there though, along with Berdahl’s rant. 5/10/2012:…

Presidential transition team

5/17/2012: This was Lariviere’s first mistake. Jim Bean as chair – Bellotti, Grier, Martinez! A few months later Jim Bean had managed to move from interim to permanent provost without any search or campus discussion. With Bean’s advice Lariviere kept on Grier and Dyke, and then he hired people like…

Economics, not athletics

5/17/2012: That’s the explanation the SacBee gives for the lucrative UO trade in CA students. Complete with Roger Thompson quote. Not a popular argument with the UO central administration, which loves spending that out-of-state tuition money on sports and on their own junkets to bowl games (link fixed) – and…

UO Foundation executive pay

5/15/2012: The IRS makes non-profits submit “990” forms annually, to show what public good they’ve been doing with that money they are not paying taxes on. The OSU Foundation turned in theirs 6 months ago. CEO J. Michael Goodwin pulled down $414,792 in total compensation. The top 5 employees take…